>I have Sang Whang's book called "Reverse Aging" that discusses ph levels. 
>He believes many diseases start or are caused by the acidic levels of our
>body ph produced from our diets.    To be brief, he suggests " drinking 5
>glasses of 10 ph water daily will graduallly lower the bodies acidity and
>enable the body to dispose of all the waste products produced daily and
>then some.  Drinking inonized alkaline water is much better than taking
>alkalline mineral tablets such as calcuim tablets." 
>Sounds like the water you are getting would meet his approval with a ph of

   That one has got me scratching my head. It is said that bacteria can't
live in an acid rich enviroment. So you would think that an acid rich 
body would be the best to fight off diseases.

Take Care 

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