Mine are all Nubians.

Never had a problem with Urinary Calculi,   I've heard it can be feed
either too acid a feed or too alkaline, I can't remember which.

We have taken to using CS as a teat dip, instead of the stuff you can buy
at the feed store.   So far it has worked great!!!


>Dear Nancy,
>  I have 1 Togg, 1 Alpine, 2 LaManchiaa, all does, and I just have recieved
>Boer Bucks and 2 does.  I had some trouble,[still have] with urinary
>in the bucks and now one is down in Cornell University due to the blockage.
>They had to operate.  I am not hopeful so far, h e has been there 8 days
>I guess that 10 days is the cut off date to see if he will pee.  He has a
>catheter in him. The other buck is okay so far except that he grew too fast
>and his growth plates in the knees are inflammed.  He came from a CAE free
>herd, so it is feed related.  I am giving him acid in  his water to prevent
>stones.  I had 42 goats at one time and never had this problem.  I may need
>to have my water tested for nitrites.
>  What do you have?  I love them except when I am drowning in milk and I am
>now even though I give away all I can.  Where do you live?  I live in NY.
>  Whoops, I forgot that I have 2 llamas too.  Will breed then this month.

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