My thanks to Marshal and Arnold. I was just a little worried when I read
that de-ionised water should not be used to make CS. When I saw de-ionised
written on the bottles I use, well, I had to ask.....

Ian Davies wrote:

> I buy my water to make my CS from the Pharmacy, it is the water that
> they use to prepare formulas. On the label it says "Agua destilada
> desionizada" / (distilled de-ionised water). > Is that water OK to make

Yes, it would be excellent.  Better than I can find around here.

>     I might use CS produced with de-ionized water externally for
>     sunburn and so forth. But I would hesitate to drink it or snort it
>     up into my sinuses, which is my main use. Small distillers are
>     available here for less than $100. Are you sure that no one in the
>     EU makes these things?. I would think that pharmacies would carry
>     distilled water as it would be used in many preparations.
>     Best Regards,
>     Arnold Beland
> <>