Hanneke very capably sent Tracy's Lung Purge protocol on 11/4 while I wasaway 
from the list.  Thanks much.

Below is my document which includes a few other notes from folks who posted on 
that forum.  Saralou

From Tracy Jones' Remedy CD
Remedy Purge to expel mucus from the lungs By Tracy

1. Begin with a six hour water fast. After this has been done
2. begin drinking with sipping two cups peppermint tea (cup = 250 g)
3. Drink one cup water mixed with 4 dropperful ( dropperful = dropper full or full pipette) lobelia extract and 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon mustard seedpowder, every ten minutes for four hours. 4. After a few cups (about 5 cups in the beginning and then 3-4) you will want to vomit. Do so by placing your finger down your throat forcing you to vomit. (do it into a big pot and see what is coming out!If it has red or black dots then it is pneumonia. This PURGE will stop it dead!) 5. Continue to do this until all that is coming up will come. 6. After each vomit take a couple sips of peppermint tea. 7. Afterwards, take extra doses of milk thistle extract and 8. fresh beet juice twice a day for a couple of days, it helps cleanse the liver.

Should congestion remain after eight hours has passed, then do it again using the same procedure. If necessary, do it again. It? s important the lobelia tincture be a strong one. TeeterCreek Herbs has the best unless you are making it yourself.
TOTAL LOBELIA TO BUY = 4 OUNCES. http://www.teetercreekherbs.com Go to site and 
see what it's all about. Telephone Voice (orders only): 888-634-5637

Without the mustard seed powder with the mix, you don't get nausea until much, much later. The vomit is a reaction of the mustard seed powder and the gagging motion. The sipping of the peppermint tea after each vomit isto make sure you don't start coughing. The alternative is to do what I had to do while in the hospital when my lungs were so filled with mucus from years of smoking and my airplane accident cumulating with swallowing gas spilled on top of the lake water I crashed in, they had completely giving up on me and due to die the next morning. I got them to change their mind about the dying bit so to eliminate the mucus, I had to suck througha pipe and slowly cough it up.
Now imagine if you will five broken ribs, a broken collar bone, multiply head 
injuries, right leg in traction unable to move with a broken pelvis bone, very 
painful and difficult to breath, bedpans everywhere which weresometimes a hit 
operation at best, mostly a missed one, and pain so bad every time I coughed, I 
was beginning to think I had made a mistake aboutwanting to live. The mucus 
being brought up was like spitting a little at a time done every four hours. 
This was while I was on mucho morphine which didn't really help all that much. 
Two weeks later they said my lungs were clear. After finding out about the 
purge years later with no pain tospeak of and only taking five hours, I will 
never, nor will I ever recommend such an ordeal to anyone like what I had to do 
in the hospital doingthe same thing. From this personal experience I would much 
rather have done the purge then to have gone through what I did to get the same 
results only much faster and with a lot less pain. Tracy

----- Original Message ----- To: mr_tracys_cor...@yahoogroups.com Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 1:36 PM
How is it possible to vomit "up" the mucus in your lungs

----- Original Message ----- From: Tracy To: mr_tracys_cor...@yahoogroups.com Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 1:19 PM

According to the books mentioned already, the lobelia is what does it andit has 
to be strong. I've seen a few try it with over the counter stock and it didn't 
work no matter how much they grunted. Tracy

Val <lordn...@optonline.net wrote: I am not sure that explains correctly complex 
mechanism of cleanings of the lungs ... The simple way is that muscles that contracts 
"ALL-BELLY-LUNGS-SYSTEM" squeezes lungs inside-out as well as belly. That strong 
squeeze forces-pushes out any fluid from lungs ... vomit by vomit (it is four long hours of 
vomit process !!!) That is the simple way of what is going on in there. Val

----- Original Message ----- From: Tracy
It's called osmosis whereas the lobela goes through the membranes and forces 
the mucus up into the sinuses. Most people will feel the right side of their 
sinus cavity to plug up during a session. The mucus then drains down into the 
stomach and the mustard seed powder causes nausea. Poking you finger in your 
throat tickling your tonsils makes for a gagging action when you feel your 
nausea and up it comes. By doing the water fast six hours prior brings up 
mostly the mucus that has drained down mixed with thewater you drunk. The more 
mucus, the thicker it will be.

When people who do this protocol who have had a hard time breathing, ie, 
emphysema, pneumonia, congestion, etc., the first thing they notice afterwards 
is their ability to breath freely again without the congestion theyhad. If 
there is any, however slight, they they do it again next day. Tracy

I've seen pneumonia cases down so bad they had to be helped into a sitting 
position on their so called death bed and be walking the next morning as if 
they never had it. Christopher writes about this cure in his book which is 
listed in the files section. Kloss also does the same and by putting the two 
remedies together resulted in what I call the purge. It's listed in the remedy 
cd and for those without the 25 bucks to purchase it, Tracy

This was taken from the remedy cd:

#1 In the e-alert "C-ing Stars" (6/12/02) I told you about a Nottingham University (UK) study that investigated the relationship between lung function and the intake of magnesium and vitamin C. Researchers surveyed morethan 2,500 subjects to assess the relationship between diet and COPD. After nine years of follow-up, subjects who consumed higher amounts of vitamin C had better lung function than those with lower levels of C intake, and higher amounts of vitamin C and magnesium intake were associated withsignificantly improved lung function in the cases of those suffering from COPD. ----------------------------------------------------- COPD symptoms can also be managed with the use of a nebulizer, an apparatus that produces an ultrasonic mist that moisturizes the respiratory system. In the August 2002 issue of his Nutrition & Healing newsletter, Jonathan V. Wright, M. D., discusses COPD at length, and states that nebulized, inhaled glutathione is ?the No. 1 natural treatment for COPD in my practice." Regular e-Alert readers will recognize glutathione as the powerful antioxidant and amino acid molecule that I've written about many times.
Dr. Wright cautions that by the time a COPD diagnosis is made, lung tissue is 
usually so badly damaged that nutritional treatments alone can't cure most cases of 
COPD. But he adds, ?I can safely say that this type of therapy usually stops and at 
least partially reverses the progression of the disease. Often, improvement can be 
quite significant." HSI

Doing the purge and using the antioxidants is a faster way to go. Probable 
won't even need the nebulizer. Tracy

#2 COPD (chronic obstuctive pulmonary disease) is a catch all term. It's not an 
either/or situation.

http://www.medicinenet.com/Chronic_Obstructive_Pulmonar y_Disease_COPD/ 
article. htm What is COPD?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is comprised primarily of two 
related diseases - chronic bronchitis and emphysema. In both diseases, there is 
chronic obstruction of the flow of air through the airways and out of the 
lungs, and the obstruction generally is permanent and progressive over time.

Asthma also is a pulmonary disease in which there is obstruction to the flow of air out 
of the lungs, but unlike chronic bronchitis and emphysema,the obstruction in asthma 
usually is reversible. Between "attacks" of asthma the flow of air through the 
airways usually is good.

There are exceptions, however. In some patients with COPD the obstructioncan be 
partially reversed by medications that enlarge or dilate the airways 
(bronchodilators) as with asthma. Conversely, some patients with asthma can 
develop permanent airway obstruction if chronic inflammation of the airways 
leads to scarring and narrowing of the airways.

There also is frequent overlap among COPD patients. Thus, patients with 
emphysema may have some of the characteristics of chronic bronchitis. 
Similarly, patients with chronic bronchitis also may have some of the 
characteristics of emphysema.

If want the medicos to treat it, it's what your doing now, Ca+ channel 
blockers, inhaled steroids, etc...

It's not your oxgenation that I'm trying to focus you on. If your walkingaround 
without needing to suck on oxygen, then whats making you SOB (short of breath 

http://www.medicinenet.com/Pulmonary_Hypertension/articl e. htm

What causes pulmonary hypertension? Pulmonary hypertension results from constriction, or tightening, of the blood vessels that supply blood to the lungs. Consequently, it becomes difficult for blood to pass through the lungs, making it harder for the heart to pump blood forward. This stress on the heart leads to enlargement ofthe heart and eventually fluid can build up in the liver and tissues, such as the in the legs. Affected patients can sometimes notice increasing shortness of breath and dizziness. Pulmonary hypertension can be caused by diseases of the heart and the lungs, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or emphysema, failure of the left heart ventricle, recurrent pulmonary embolism (blood clots traveling from the legs or pelvic veins obstructing the pulmonary arteries), or underlying diseases such as scleroderma. Pulmonary hypertension can also be caused by chronic low blood oxygenlevels as in some patients with sleep apnea. Pulmonary hypertension caused by other illnesses is called secondary pulmonary hypertension.

When pulmonary hypertension occurs without underlying heart and lung disease or 
other illnesses, it is called primary pulmonary hypertension. Primary pulmonary 
hypertension is more common in young females. Recently thiscondition has been 
rarely reported with the use of anti-obesity drugs such as Redux and Fen/Phen.

Tests used to evaluate patients with suspected pulmonary hypertension include 
chest x-ray and high-resolution CAT scanning, pulmonary function tests, and 
echocardiogram. Right heart catheterization can be used to confirm the 

I'd like to see the Buteyko lit....    P. M.

Do the purge. Tracy

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