Try some oregano oil. That's supposed to be great for skin outbreaks:)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Hanneke" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 4:15 PM
Subject: CS>CS mix with xylitol a no-no for dogs

Teri, that was a timely reminder, thanks so much for that.
As a result I am searching further. CS/EIS alone has not solved the problem with the dog's ears in past hot and humid periods. Whilst searching through other information I came across some testimonials by people who had used CS/EIS mixed with Miracle II Neutralizer.

Having both at hand, I will make up some of this and try it out. Other uses of this neutralizer have given very satisfactory results (it stopped her endless chewing on her paws) so here is hoping that it might help solve this problem too.
Will let you know at the end of Summer (March or so) how she fared.

BTW, she is B.A.R.F. dog ((meaty)bones and raw food, no grains).. and always has silver added to her drinking water (rainwater)..


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