My topic is not exactly fever blisters, but another malady of the lips/mouth that is painful and annoying -- cracks at the corner of the mouth.  My spouse and I used to get them every winter, and they hurt when anything acid gets into them, such as salad dressing.  We just put up with them, not knowing anything to try, except creams, which did nothing.  

I read that they were related to a diet deficiency, one of the B vitamins.  After we improved our diets, we no longer got them.  But a couple of weeks ago, I noticed that a neighbor had bad cracks at the corners of her mouth, clearly very uncomfortable.  I told her about the B vitamins and zinc remedy I had just looked up on the internet for her problem, but also gave her some CS to put on the sores a couple of times a day.  Told her to just put some on a cotton ball and hold it against the sores for a few minutes.  In less than two days, one side was nearly healed; two or three days later, the second was also well. 

She told me she told her doctor the creams he had given her had not helped, but that she cured the problem with CS and he was most surprised, replying "Well, I'll be darned!"   Guess they didn't teach him about CS in medical school, huh?   Nice that he didn't just reply that it must have been a coincidence, though, as some might have. 

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