Greetings Dactylogists of the CS art,

 Swamped by requests. Not sending free info, would cost me too much.

  Alternative, tell you where to get the information and let you do your
own thing. Here is list of books which cover the information needed. All
are available at bookstores or libraries. Some of them I obtained thru
the inter-library loan system.

  Mind Machines You Can Build, Harry Stine,1992,
  ISBN 1-56087-075-3
    Harry Stine was the general engineer at the U.S. Naval Ordnance
Missile Test Center at White Sands Proving Grounds. The machines worked
for the majority of the engineers there. They worked for Dr. Clyde
Tombaugh, the astronomer who discovered the planet Pluto.
    Dr. Thomas Hieronymous was an Electrical Engineer and Professional
Registered Engineer. His machines have United States and Canadian
patents. A modified machine was used to help track the Apollo 11 space
craft. This book covers a wide variety of machines.

   Pyramid Power, G. Pat Flanagan Phd,1973,
   ISBN 0-87516-209-6
     The title of this book is  misleading, only one chapter is about
pyramids. The book is really about bioelectrical energies and how to
make the instruments to get your measuments etc. I seem to recall that
the silver electrodes for use on plants were invented by our own M.
Dudley. :-) The book also goes into a lot of biomagnetics.

  The Rainbow in Your Hands, Davis and Rawls,1988,
  ISBN 0-911311-16-5
    This book covers biomagnetics and bioelectric fields of the body
and  emitting and receiving them.
  Albert Davis is a professor of Physics, teaching physics, aerodynamics
and electronics. He established the Davis Research Laboratory at Green
Cove Springs, Florida.

  Magnetism and its Effects on the Living System,Davis and Rawls,1976
  ISBN 0-682-48087-8
    This book goes into biomagnetics of all living tissues. Many
pictures and charts. Covers healing, cancers, tumors, pain and measuring
voltages of the body. Very detailed work. Also proper use of Polar

  The Magnetic Effect,Davis and Rawls, 1975,
  ISBN 0-682-48312-5
   Very detailed book on healing using magnetism. Each ailment is
discussed with protocols. Good section on water structuring with
magnets, and its effects on growth and healing.

  The Magnetic Blueprint of Life, Davis and Rawls,1979
  ISBN 0-682-49215-9
   This book covers magnetic aspects of healing, food,
waters,ions,radiation, with many case histories. Gives detailed use of
magnetic Polarities.

  Ancient Mysteries,Modern Visions,Phillip Callahan,1984,
  ISBN 0-911311-08-4
    Good coverage of many electrical and magnetic forces used by many
civilizations. You may be shocked at how much you have never been taught
in school about our world, because it didn`t fit the mainstream thought
and could not be explained. Excellent coverage of dielectric
paramagnetic antennas. The Irish Round Towers that respond to the body
energies and grow great crops in the fields around them. The towers are
tunable to the crop. The use of plants to detect Monopoles and Tachyons.
How paramagnetic soil (father), diamagnetic water (mother), and organic
matter (son) were the Original Trinity and represented by the Ankh. How
to build instruments for measuring different energies. How to measure
and plot paramagnetic force fields.
  Dr. Callahan has degrees in electronics and a Phd in biology. He
helped build the Loran C navigation system.
 Contributors to the book are Dr.Cope of the Naval Air Development
Center in Pennsylvania, Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher of Lawrence Berkley
Laboratory at U. of Cal., Dr. Pace a mathematician at U. of Florida.

   The Hermetica, Freke and Gandy,1999,
   ISBN 0-87477-950-2
    Modern translation of writtings of Thoth, pre-egyptian Sage who is
said to have revealed a knowledge of astronomy, architecture, geometry,
medicine, and religion. The Greeks identified Thoth with their Hermes
and the Thoth writings were called Hermetic writings. To keep things
straight they gave Thoth the name "Trismegistus", meaning Thrice-Great.
  Lots of stuff you were never told. Like "The Word" as in " In the
beginning was the Word". Thoth said the Word was uttered by God to calm
the waters of creation and was the Son of God. Now remember we are
talking about eight to ten thousand years ago. Way before Christianity
was ever thought of. As St.Augustine wrote,"That which is called the
Christian religion existed among the ancients which time the
true (original) religion which already existed began to be called
 Don`t want to get into a religous thing here, but a lot of interesting
knowledge in this book for those who want to know. The Hermetic
writings  inspired the beginnings of the 15th century Renaissance which
we ascribe our modern science to. Its learning time,its there if you
look for it. It won`t come to you if you do nothing, just sitting
waiting for someone to do it for you. Having knowledge is the source of
  I suppose we could say that Thoth had the first Phd.

 These books have extensive bibliographies and references.

  My own experiments were not successful at first, needed extensive
revisions before results started happening. Study the materials and
think up your own ways of putting it together. :-)

  At first I was surprised at how many mainstream scientists were into
alternative energies, until it dawned on me that our so called
mainstream was just the edges of the real science. And all we have been
doing was studying the stuff that was easy to measure and get at. Even
A. Einstien said we were looking in the wrong end of the telescope, he
thought it was funny that the mainstream was so intent on the effects
that it didn`t look for the cause.

   Bless you   Bob Lee 
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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