I was watching Good Morning America this morning and there was a story on about 
a boy with autism who got experimental treatment of injection of Glutathione 
and had much improvement.  Here are portions of the article - left out some 
parts because the sister helped raise money for the study.  


v     With an experimental autism treatment

v     parents were impressed with changes they saw after Evan was injected with 
an amino acid and antioxidant called Glutathione

v     His day-to-day life was filled with struggles. His mother heard it might 
help minimize his temper tantrums.

v     family tried several things to help when they finally stumbled upon one 
that seemed to have drastic and dramatic results. 

v     For the first time in his life, he was able to dress himself. 

v     "It has made a life-changing difference. Is Evan cured? No. Is he better? 
Yes," said his mother 

v     But doctors are skeptical of Evan's changes because no scientific 
evidence is available to support the claims made by Glutathione proponents. 
Yet, after seeing Evan's progress, doctors at Kosair Children's Hospital in 
Louisville, Ky., agreed to try the treatment on other patients. 

v     I have to tell you, I was very skeptical," said Dr. Steven Wright, of 
Kosair Children's Hospital. 

v     The four patients the hospital tested saw improvements too, but four 
patients are not a scientific study. 

v     "There really is very little that can be generalized from a story about 
three or four individuals besides the interest in pursuing some real research 
on the topic," said Dr. Peter Gerhardt, of the Organization for Autism 

v     A larger study would cost at least $200,000 

v "Physicians at Kosair plan to begin the Glutathione studies on 50 patients in 
January," said Leslie Buddeke, of Kosair Children's Hospital Foundation.