Gail- As for Azure, I'm fortunate to live on a delivery route (up and down the west coast, check their website) and have a drop where I pick up my order without paying any shipping, so I don't know what shipping charges are. That could be expensive. What I get is Organa Mineral Drink, 1 gallon, (NS 537, $38.20, the price went up recently) unflavored colloidal minerals with 70+ trace minerals similar to what I used to buy from New Vision. They do not have mega minerals meaning I also need a good chelated multimineral, hopefully with Boron, Selenium, etc, or I sometimes take these hard-to-find minerals alone. I've started taking Magnesium Chloride too since people here recommended it and Mg seems to be something I need. I also do the Milk of Magnesia added to carbonated club soda for a little Mg at a time. I've been trying the Budwig diet for nearly 3 months which is vegetarian with added Flaxseed Oil and freshly ground seeds, nuts, raw fruits and vegetables, raw sauerkraut, and cooked non-gluten grains (esp. Buckwheat; millet, quinoa, rice) with beans, legumes, vegetable soup, Nutritional Yeast for added protein B vitamins, and only coconut oil for cooking, avoid fried and baked foods. I've been noticing some great benefits, my knee I injured in January 07 that has been weak has gotten much stronger and is almost normal, my blood pressure went down recently, other small things. Anyway, I've usually taken a lot of herbs and separate vitamins A & D (Beta Carotene, Cod Liver Oil, B-50 (plus B-6 and Pantothenic acid which are supposed to help Hebredon's nodes), C 1000mg, E 400IU. I've also dabbled in separate amino acids like Lysine, Arginine, Carnitine, NA Cysteine, and also EDTA. I'm trying to cut down on the supplements since I'm not supposed to take them on the Budwig diet, though herbs are generally OK. I'm not confident that I'm juicing enough raw vegetables to really get all my minerals and vitamins from them as yet.


 On Dec 8, 2007, at 1:01 PM, Gail Naranjo wrote:

Nancy, is the gallon colloidals you take the same as
the trace minerals Azure carries?

I found a gallon of colloidal minerals for $34 at
Azure but it didn't say 'trace' minerals, so I'm
thinking it is something different.

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