Are the followign statements true? How can an ion "Die"? From the article: "Now it's interesting to note that silver needs to reach a state of ionization before it can demonstrate any efficacy at all. And although this was sufficient for maintaining water purity, the ions have a very short life. They'll last for minutes to maybe hours. So you need a constant resupply.

Now the next stage of evolution in the technology is moving into a colloidal form. Colloidal form of silver is simply small particles of elemental silver in a solution. The advantage over the solid silver is simple. For the same given mass or weight of the product, there is more surface area. Hence, more ions will be thrown off, but still the same drawback with regard to the short life for the ion itself.

The next stage of evolution was moving into ionic silver using ionic generators. Now this is used today. It's been used for several decades, while hospitals will use this silver ion generators, public pools, recreational type water applications, generally a recirculating type system. Again, as long as it's plugged in and you're generating ions, you have protection. Unplug it, the ions die in minutes to maybe an hour or two."

Faith G

Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2007 3:18 AM

Subject: CS>A new mainstream "politically well connected" form of ionic silver?

This below came from CS forum on curezone

Here is the link to the story about a new "unique and
patented" form of ionic silver which claims to have
some serious mainstream connections and be
"politically well connected":

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