Marshall wrote:
> They did the same thing with the Senator, and got caught. Guess they
> never learn. 

He was a US Senate *candidate*, just to be correct.

> T. J. Garland wrote:
> > I still think his coloring is being intensified.  His blue shirt and
> > his beard reflect the fraud. There will be a major backlash because of
> > this publicity.

Actually, I wouldn't be too quick to assume that, TJ. The video shows 
him and his girlfriend in the same frame under similar lighting 
conditions, and his coloration appears just as severe as in the still 
photos. Just as in Rosemary Jacobs' case, I don't think they *need* to 
doctor the images.

If they did, then is was a careful and relatively sophisticated CG 
frame-by-frame effort, which seems highly unlikely.

I've personally met two people with cases probably about one quarter as 
bad as his, also from using a lot of the "3 nines and a pinch of salt" 
kind of "CS." The appearance is... striking, and not easily mistaken.

Let's not try to hide from this. We know what is happening *and* how it 
can be prevented. The kind of "CS" or EIS we've been recommending for 
years is still innocent of any such complications. Now we know in one 
direction, at least, where the boundary between safe and not safe lies.

If anybody is still using a "pinch of salt" or "drop of saline" for 
"starter" and making their CS in only a few minutes of brew time, it is 
time to stop!

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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