Ode Coyote wrote:

Any EIS made over 30 uS will eventually drop back to a ~30 uS reading. Could take a day or a year.
I have a batch made several years ago when experimenting with high uS. I ran it to auto stop (silverpuppy thermal stir). Then continued to run it on bypass. Let it sit to stabilize between runs, so it took a couple or three days to get it as high as I thought it would go. I got tired of running it at around 70 uS, perfectly clear. It immediately began to drop, stabilizing at 37.9 uS with near zero very faint TE "beam" with a few sparklies. Some years (3 at least) later the jar is heavily stained/plated with silver and there is evidence of considerable drop out. The batch now reads 43.5 uS.

FWIW, I tried a time or two to duplicate this batch but never could.

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