If this article is correct, an ordinary microscope can be adapted as a darkfield microscope.


On Saturday, Jan 12, 2008, at 22:52 Asia/Tokyo, Wayne Fugitt wrote:

At 12:20 AM 1/12/2008, you wrote:

Do you have any links that substantiate this, and that make clear who "they" are?  Thanks.

This is nothing New.  If you don't know who they are, what difference does it make.
Enemies of the State, .......... NO !

Enemies of the People

Not only Dark Fields

You think NOT ?

One doctor told me, ........ when I mentioned his digital Microscope,
He had been,  "Sanctioned, and BANNED from using it".

Studying LIVE BLOOD has virtually been banned in this Country for Years.

Why ? ............... Three guesses.

A half Smart 10 year old can figure out many thing with a microscope.

What do you think a Half Smart doctor can figure out ?

What about a 100 % smart Doctor, a Scientists, or One who really cares about your health, your disease, and your recovery can figure out ?

Lots more I could tell you.  You can study, do some research, or keep you head buried in the sand.


Very effective method to *see* what works - and thus,
in the US they are confiscating and destroying darkfield scopes.



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