Thank you so very much for your informative article, I shall store it away.

So simple yet so powerful,  many of my friend have had cancer many times but 
will not try alternative methods.

Thank You again

-------------- Original message from Karen Eck <karen...@att.net>: 

> From Leonard on the cancercured list: 
> Just came across an article a friend faxed me titled, "Asparagus 
> Therapy"; it says "printed by Arlin J. Brown Info. Ctr." (a formerly 
> well-known alt. med. info center in Virgnia that no longer exists) 
> but I know nothing else about the original source of the article. The 
> following are the key excerpts from it: 
> "A group of 60 cancer patients recovered…by taking asparagus…dumped a 
> can of…asparagus into a blender….8 tablespoons daily….all kinds of 
> cancer responded, except in those patients who had had mustard gas 
> chemo….[Asparagus has] a DNA factor….take the asparagus regularly for 
> at least 6 months to a year…. 
> "Within about 4 weeks the [large benign intestinal] tumor had 
> decreased considerably in size. The patient…stricken with intestinal 
> flu, was unable to eat & discontinued the asparagus for about 5 
> weeks. The tumor then grew very rapidly. She then resumed taking the 
> asparagus…The tumor is now gone. 
> "Asparagus therapy [was] developed by a dentist in Pittsburgh who had 
> cancer behind his eye [and] Hodgkins…large tumor….at the end of a 
> year…no sign of cancer…aorta…entirely free of deposits…compared 
> favorably with that of an 18 year old….cancer of the mouth; bladder… 
> breast, metastasized to lung…given 3 months to live; intestinal 
> cancer; leukemia; prostate….have also been helped….theories…ranging 
> from…vermifuge…kill[ing] parasites; or that it is high in a certain 
> DNA factor….should not be taken when any mustard gas drugs are used" 
> I think this article was written several decades ago. 
> Below are my other notes on asparagus as a cancer remedy: 
> "research 
> shows...asparagus...improves...bladder...breast...lung...colon 
> cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer" (Kurt Donsbach, M.D., "Let's Talk 
> Health," May 2000); "There are reports of cancer recoveries from 
> eating asparagus daily" (www.royalrife.com/cancer.html) many 
> recoveries have been reported from both raw and cooked 
> asparagus; "raw juice [from juicer or blender] may be the most 
> effective form" (Houston cited in Hess, 1999, p. 138); however, I 
> wouldn't consume too much raw asparagus (or juice) at 1 time. 
> "cancer on the ears…asparagus…In 3 weeks all of it was gone" 
> (Kroeger, 1997, p. 16) 
> "discovery of Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S. that asparagus might cure 
> cancer....we have accumulated a number of favourable case 
> histories....No. 1, man with an almost hopeless case of 
> Hodgkin's...completely incapacitated. Within 1 year of starting the 
> asparagus...[no] signs of cancer....No. 2...cancer of the bladder for 
> 16 years. After years of medical treatments, including radiation 
> without improvement, he went on asparagus. Within 3 months...bladder 
> tumour had disappeared....No. 3...March 5th...lung cancer so widely 
> spread...hopeless. On April 5th...asparagus...started...By August...x- 
> ray...revealed that all signs of the cancer had disappeared....No. 
> 4...different skin cancers...advanced...3 months...on 
> asparagus...skin looked fine and no more skin lesions....also cured 
> her kidney disease...had over 10 operations for kidney 
> stones...inoperable, terminal, kidney condition. She attributes the 
> cure of this kidney trouble entirely to the asparagus....popular 
> remedy for kidney stones....canned asparagus is…good….Place the 
> cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy...store in the 
> refrigerator....4 full tablesp. twice daily....usually...improvement 
> in...2-4 weeks....larger amounts can do no harm and may be 
> needed....Asparagus contains...protein called histones...active in 
> controlling cell growth." From "Asparagus for Cancer," Cancer News 
> Journal, Dec. 1979. 
> www.herbsarespecial.com.au/newpages/book/sample/sample06.html 
> Active compounds & mechanisms of action: 
> Contains abscisic acid, beta-carotene, oxalic acid, potassium, 
> selenium, iodine, quercetin, oligosaccharide, glutathione, a 
> telemerase-repairing enzyme, and "Protein-Histones which are thought 
> to control cell growth (Cell Growth Normalizer/CGN)...Has 
> Oligosaccharides, Asparagoside Saponins and steroid Glycosides; 
> Asparaginase (degrades Aspartic acid inhibiting tumor growths)" 
> (Marion, 1999, p. 276); its saponins are antitumor and inhibit 
> leukemia HL-60 (www.herbmed.org/Herbs/Herb144.htm). 
> L-asparaginase (Elspar) is used to treat "acute lymphocytic leukemia 
> (ALL) and LYMPHOMA" (Altman & Sarg, 2000, p. 187). 
> Asparagus reportedly can repair damaged DNA (Steven N. Green, DDS, NP 
> [1991]. Eclectic Dentistry: Demystifying Medicine.). 
> Asparagus "degrades aspartic acid to inhibit unwanted cell growth. 
> Consisting of aldehyde and ketone, Asparagus...kill[s] abnormal cells 
> during electron transference....Asparagoside adjusts immunity and 
> increases the transfer activity of T-lymphocytes (Interlukin- 
> 2)....Interlukin 2 functions had doubled because Asparagus Extract 
> was included" (www.thewolfeclinic.com/asparagusextract.html). 
> "Emanuel Revici...said...[it] produces in the body a substance 
> similar to one that he found...to be the most powerful antitumor 
> agent he had ever worked with, which is in the mercaptan series of 
> sulfur compounds. Asparagus may produce methyl mercaptan [Merck 
> Index]....Lutz [1974] thought the content of histones in asparagus 
> was significant, and James Duke, Ph.D. [1992], points out that 
> asparagusic acid...kills parasites....saponins showed antitumor 
> activity in vitro [Shao, Yu, Chee-kok Chin, Chi-Tang Ho et al. 
> (1996). Anti-tumor activity of the crude saponins obtained from 
> asparagus. Cancer Letters, 104: 31-36]" (Hess, 1999, pp. 137-139; see 
> also Houston, 1978). 
> "cleansing effect through the lymphatic system and the 
> kidneys….potassium….protein compounds that according to Donny Yance, 
> act as `Cell Growth Normalizers' on cancer cell division. He further 
> states how `asparagus therapy has been used to treat various forms of 
> cancer and reversal of the disease has been reported in a number of 
> cases'" www.planetherbs.com/articles/cancer.html (Tierra) 
> "Asparagus…contains histones, which are believed to act as cell- 
> growth normalizers on cancer-cell division. Asparagus therapy… 
> reversal of the disease…in a number of cases….4 tablespoons daily" 
> (Yance, 1999, p. 56). 
> "Asparagus extract is also a Chinese medicine remedy for all types of 
> cancer." Asparagus tests very positive on EDS. It's antifungal; 
> detoxes kidneys & liver. 
> "a small percentage of people….After eating asparagus…urine 
> [has] foul smell…. it is not at all dangerous" 
> -- 
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