Neither. It is just that for so many years practitioners were ascribing symptoms to candida or systemic candida when there was little evidence for it being candida specifically. There are perhaps a dozen pathogenic fungi that can take up residence in the body, some of them being MUCH more serious than candida. Since the body tends to cross react to many similar substances, a reaction that is to some fungus will be similar to another fungus. This is a principle found by allergy theory, esp food and environemental allergy/ sensitivity drs. Similarly, if a person is sensitive to one type of chemical, they will also likely to react to others in a similar chemical family, like petrochemicals for example.

So maybe they were right in a way, many symptoms can be from a fungal problem, but might be aspergillus in stead of candida. They are likely to cause similar problems, however, asp seems to invade many more systems than candida does. Another thought is that some of these fungi are toxin factories all by themselves, without any outside added toxins needed to make someone extremely ill with a toxin illness. Some are worse than others, too. My own experience has been that the problem was from a much worse fungal infection, so if the symptoms were very bad, I would think it was from a different fungi. Not sure how much difference it makes when you are treating it, since what kills one ought to kill the rest of them too. The difference would be in severity of illness, and measures to reduce the detox and herks reactions.

I have not used dmso personally (at least on purpose, I have spilled some on me before :-) so I am not sure what you are asking about it's use. The vets I used to work for used it to carry drugs into the body of the horses they treated. That is about all I know about it. Has it helped you much, and did you use it as a carrier for something else?


On Jan 21, 2008, at 12:32 PM, zeb caffe wrote:

Are you doubting candida as a health issue, or just the theory that dmso helps candida? I agree that many pathogenic substances or different fungi can be mistaken for candida but also I believe that candida is a very real health problem.  My only experience with dmso has been to use it for jaw infection and also for bladder cystitis.Both times, I felt very clear headed and did at the time contribute it to possibly having something to do with killing fungus but I really am just guessing here. I would be interested in knowing what you thought about this.

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