
We have had experience with this problem as my grandsons (2 1/2 yrs at the time) got E-Coli at a petting zoo at an agricultural fair. They both had severe diarrhea, but we were told that the real danger was when the diarrhea stopped and the bacteria migrated to the kidneys causing renal failure. Kids die from this every year, and some are impaired.

We stopped it with a combination of CS and D-Mannose, as much as they could take around the clock until the doctors said they were out of danger (about 10 days after the diarrhea stopped, as I recall). We dissolved D-Mannose in CS and gave it to them at least every couple of hours, as much as we could make them drink!

We used a D-Mannose preparation called "Clear-Tract", which we now always keep in our medicine chest. We learned about the D-Mannose from Jonathan Wright's article below:


I have posted this information before, but it is worth posting again. If this girl's kidneys are still functioning, it is a good idea to apply this protocol if the hospital will allow it, but you have to give a lot of it frequently. There are no guarantees in a case this advanced (better to catch it while still in the diarrhea stage, before the bacteria migrates elsewhere), but antibiotics are useless in these situations, while CS and D-Mannose will definitely help defeat the bacteria if it is at all possible.


----- Original Message ----- From: "hj" <martin...@earthlink.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 11:28 AM
Subject: CS>Girl in Trouble

Hi all:

Just came home from visiting a friend whom I haven't seen for a while.
He told me that his teenage daughter got infected with e-coli around
Thanksgiving. A doctor sent her home with antibiotics, but she got worse,
and had to be taken to the hospital. He said she lost control of her
bowels and a green "soup" came out of her. They found that her liver
has been attacked by the bacteria. She's been in ICU for the past three
weeks, and had to have several blood transfusions. She's on a breathing
machine now as her lungs have collapsed due to fluid build up. They did
a biopsy on her liver, and it appears to be clean now, but they are still
finding the bacteria in the lung fluid they are draining via tubes.

Her father is ready to try anything, even if it means to sneak stuff by
the hospital staff. She's able to take a few sips of fluid a day, and
I thought of MMS, but on an empty stomach? I thought of maybe applying
it over her chest mixed with DMSO, but the thought of her having to
throw up gives me the scares? What about a magnetic pulser, or Godzilla-type

May I ask for your thoughts please?

Thank you all,


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