Anyone can make silver. Buy a generator that you can understand and follow the instructions. I've looked at a few and I have not seen one that recommends using salt nor baking soda. Using salt or baking soda seem like strange ideas. Faith G.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dee " <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CS/EIS forced with baking soda/salt

So this gives the lie that 'anyone' can make silver? And this is the reason I didn't go for making my own, as I, along with millions of others am one of
these!  Dee

-------Original Message-------

<<Most that use salt, use it improperly, and do many things wrong, including using bogus, water, guess at current, they do not know voltage from current,
or ......... A "Wall Wart" from a transformer or a power supply.

( They need to study a while, before making any CS, in any shape, form, or
fashion )

Most people do not know the difference in a 3 % saline solution and

A 10 % hole in the ground. >>



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