I've had a few bouts with sciatica, enough to know I don't want to experience 
another one. The first one I ever had was long before there was an internet to 
get so much wonderful info from. Hitting my reference books at the time, I 
learned that it was probably from an overly acidic condition that was 
irritating the sciatic nerve (I now know that I have degenerated disks that 
made the area susceptible to this acidity.)

I had been experimenting with heavy doses of ascorbic acid, so this made sense. 
I used small amounts of bicarb, 1/4 tsp here and there and found it very 
helpful. Some more research uncovered the role of thiamin/B-1 in alleviating 
anything to do with both an acid condition as well as anything to do with 
In the past 2 yrs I've kept Benfotiamine in the house and any time the sciatic 
nerve acts up, it's the first thing I reach for. It's a form of B-1 used by 
diabetics for thier diabetic neuropathy, and it's fat soluble. Works wonders 
for sciatica!
Of course, till the flare up dies down, I also use a heating pad, Advil, 
sometimes 1/2 valium while waiting for the Benfo and bicarb to do their wonders.


  Hi, Dianne,

  For Sciatica relief, I'll second the suggestion of taking L-Lysine!  Worked 
for me.  I'd suggest also adding Vitamin E to help combat internal scarring.  
You can google stretching exercises, the one that worked the best for me was 
stand with hands on hips and knees slightly bent, arch back slowly and 
slightly.  Let us know when you start feeling better!

  Take care,


  L-lysine is an essential amino acid for humans and therefore must be supplied 
in the diet.  For years, lysine has been considered in the treatment of herpes 
and cold sores, and more recently, has been attracting attention as a possible 
addition to the fast-growing list of muscle-building nutrients.  L-lysine helps 
to build muscle protein, it is good for those recovering from surgery and 
sports injuries. http://www.herbs-wholesale.com/article/l-lysine.asp

  Vitamin E belongs to a family of fat-soluble compounds. It is available in 
different forms, the most common and potent being alpha tocopherol. Its main 
function is as an antioxidant. It Beneficial Effectss destruction of fats and 
vitamin A in the body by oxygen fragments. The vitamin also Enhances in the 
production of hormone-like substances that regulate blood pressure, 
reproduction, and muscle contraction. 