Hi Jason,
We get loads of chemtrails in my area, just outside London.  Must say I haven't 
noticed the really toxic effect, but they do
seem to affect the weather and temperature.  That is scary what happened at 
Honeywell Defense when you
were there.  I'm intrigued about the nebulized cs and also you mentioned 
computer technology developed
by Bob Dratch which seemed to stop people getting  sick.  I'll try to google it 
and see what I can find.

I'll have to get myself a nebulizer.  Never used one and am wondering how it 
works.  I know the nebuliser turns
liquid to vapour, does anyone know if this is done by boiling it up?  Wouldn't 
that just release water vapour,
leaving the silver behind?  I need a bit more education on the process.
Thanks for your info Jason.  Cheers.

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