Hold the fire here - let us see first of all what happens, if Dr Oz and
Oprah play the role
of agreement - then I agree with a come back - it is going to be very
interesting - I have already had about six phone calls from friends
asking me to stop making and taking EIS  -  the sheeple are wonderful
even when they THINK they are protecting !!!!!   Life is 
certainly a wonderful thing !!!!!    One thing is for sure, we are
certainly getting some free,
even if not needed, advertisement !!!!!    Has anyone stopped to think
what effect this is
going to have on all the areas of main stream medicine who already use
silver - regardless of the technical differences - the sheeple are all
going to shy away from "silver" generally.
AND SO BE IT !!!!!!
Regards to all

Peace is easy ... it is a Mindset

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