All the publicity has the blue man like a deer caught
unaware in headlights. As a former pariah  of society,
he will be more inclined to be agreeable and please
people; on the questions  and answers he'll probably
be briefed.  Has he not already had  had enough
interviews and opportunities, where he could have said
- were he , himself in any way informed, that baking
soda or salt is no longer an accepted catalyst  of
colloidal silver making. He's still drinking that
milky stuff he calls CS in front of millions viewers -
using baking soda/or salt? 

 IF it's going to be a fair and balanced interview,
then someone reputable representing Colloidal Silver
community would be given the opportunity for a
rebuttal, presenting today's facts and methodology as
opposed to the archaic methods the blue mans been
using. We shall see.   

Shows such as Oprah's have what are  called 'script
writers". There's less likelihood of surprises that
will catch Operah off guard.  I'm guessing on what
side of the fence DR. Oz will fall on - if give holds
he medical degree in high regard.  

--- Gail Naranjo <> wrote:

> --- wrote:
> > From: Faith Saint Francis
> > > 
> >  If Oprah is
> > well prepared as I believe she is, and knows what
> > the cause of his ‘being blue’ is, then she will
> give
> > the right answers and she will make it known that
> > ill-use of anything (like using water from the tap
> > instead of distilled, clean water, processing CS)
> is
> > wrong, bad and dangerous. 
> Bet she won't!  Guess we'll see.  gail
> Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page. 
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Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

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