my guess is you were making a lot of silver nitrate.
great way to smurf out.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: JD Kalloco []
  Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 3:05 PM
  Subject: CS>CS generator HVAC

  On you HVAC unit, was there a spark formed at the electrodes?  And if so,
was it above the water level or under it?  Was the entire electrode surface



  the hvac unit i spoke of had an electrode configuration with one flat
rectangular silver measuring 2" by 1", a thin metal sheet.    the other
electrode was fashioned like a small arrowhead point ... thicker silver,
perhaps a 1/4" thick,  3/4" at its widest point (top)  and 1" from top to
point.  Basically it hung from a silver wire so that the point of the arrow
was just above the water surface ... but when the current was turned on, the
water would elevate slightly, forming a vortex cone.  A lightning like
electrical charged current traveled from the point to the water ... made a
neon type sound, with the whooshing of the vortex.
  the thin sheet electrode was also hung from a wire ... it was submerged
into the water, with perhaps the top third above the water.  This sheet
needed to be Brillo padded regularly as the soot oxidation collected rather
readily when generating a gallon of CS.  The top of the glass jar with lid
would heat up ... i started running an aquarium pump to serve as a stirrer
or circulating device ... this helped reduce the heat buildup.

  best regards,

  JD 'Loco.