Ron Paul ...
I too was disappointed by the election ... in a major way.  Noticed that
others are too.  Here's a quote from someone in San Antonio.

STOLEN VOTES in BEXAR COUNTY - I am a Bexar county grassroots coordinator. I
saw the same thing happen here. A man by the name of Tony Kosub was running
for state rep. We was a nobody until the Ron Paul orginazition embraced him
and promoted him alongside with Ron Paul. When the votes were counted, Tony
received over 2x more votes in Bexar county than Ron Paul. If this suprises
you, now read this, Tony Kosub's district covers ONLY 1/3rd of Bexar county.
So, Tony Kosub, received over twice as many votes from 1/3 of the land area
when compared to Ron Paul, the man who Tony called his mentor and
Inspiration during his campaign.

Guess that DieBold(R) is a death knell for any candidate that supports the
People and the USA Constitution.


>  They want us to believe that McCain won Texas in a landslide. A place
> where I have never heard anyone mention his name, never seen so much as a
> bumper sticker, and clearly a state that is covered by Ron Paul signs.
> Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act-- Albert
> Einstein