Greetings Students of the CS art,

  On the determination of natural references for the study of magnetism
and electric sciences.

  As has recently been well demonstrated, many practitioners of the
magnetic and electric arts do not understand the origin and uses of the
natural references UPON WHICH our modern endeavors are based.

  To accomplish this we must first determine: What is north?, What is
south?, Where is north?, Where is south?, How do we find north?, How do
we find south? What is the relationship of north and south to the study
of magnetics and electrics?

 To do this we must return to the past of mankind and learn from those
who have gone before us.

  Long long ago in a land faraway lived a people who called themselfs
*Norse*. The land of the Norse was in the high lattitudes and the sun
never rose very high in their sky. The Norse were a vigorous people and
spread over what is now Europe and northern Africa. All of their lands
were above the fortieth lattitude and the sun never reached their
zenith, always staying low in the sky.
 The Norse became known by many names over the centuries. They were
called Northmen and Normans (north mans) and Franks (now French) and
then Norman-French who conquered England and then became called
Anglo-Saxtons which became Anglo-Saxon. Today they are still called
Norwegian (meaning north-people). These early people are the beginnings
of our *western* world and their language had certain common thoughts
expressed with common words, which changed over time but are still
recognizable. In that long ago land the most important thing in the sky
was the *sunne*(AS). This was also called *sunth*.(use gutteral sounds
please, as befits the Scandinavian and Germanic languages) Any time a
direction was required to lower lattitudes they would point in the
direction of the *sunth*, which we now call *south*. Now the Norse
called their land *Noorch* and later *Noord* (gutteral sounds please).
To get home from a conquest they would go in the direction of *Noorch*
which we now call *North*. So north was to go to higher lattitudes and
south was to go to lower lattitudes.

 Looking in your dictionary you will find the following under north or
south: Of a person standing facing the morning sun, on the left hand is
the direction of north and on the right hand is the direction of south.

 Now that we know *what* and *where* north and south are, how does this
relate to magnetism and electrics? Why are north and south references?
 We need to consider the meaning of *pole*. This is *polus* of Latin and
*polos* of Greek and *pole* of Old Frank (Norman). Being the extremity
of an axis of a sphere, esp of the earth`s axis. There are two poles,
one at each extremity of the axis. The pole in the lands of the Northmen
being called the north pole and the pole in the direction of the *sunth*
(south) being called the south pole.

 Now we fast forward to the year 1600 AD and we find William Gilbert
looking for a natural earth reference for his pioneering work with
magnetics. Let us read what he wrote five hundred years ago.

 Book Second, Chapter 13: A line drawn through the centre of the earth
(or of the terrella) to the poles is called the axis. The poles are so
called by the Greeks *poloi* from *polein*, to revolve and by the Latins
*cardines* (hinges, pivots) and *vertices* (centres of a whirling
motion); and these names were given to signify that the world rotates
and is ever whirling. We propose to show that the earth and terrella are
by the magnetic force made to revolve around these poles, whereof that
one in the earth which points to Cynosura is called the *North*, the
Boreal, or the Artic pole:; the opposite one is called the *South*,
Austral, or Antarctic pole. And neither in earth nor in terrella do the
poles exist merely for the sake of rotation; they are furthermore
reference points of direction and of position---on the one hand towards
ones destination on earth and on the other hand as regards their angular
  Note: Cynosure-- the constellation of the Lesser Bear (Ursa Minor)
containing the pole star.

 Book Fifth, Chapter one: As in other magnetic movements there is strict
agreement and a clearly visible , sensible accordance between the earth
and the loadstone in our demonstration, so in this inclination is the
accordance of the globe of the earth and the loadstone positive and
manifest. The true and definite cause of this great and hitherto unknown
effect is as follows: The loadstone moves and revolves until one of its
poles, being impelled toward the north, comes to rest in its
predetermined point on the horizon; the pole that comes to a stand
looking north is southern, not northern ,though till now everyone had
supposed it to be northern becaused it turns to the north. ... the end
will be southern and will turn to the northern regions of the earth.

   To be continued 
  Bless you  Bob Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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