Hi Zeb,
Where did you order the Allimed from? Have not been
able to find very much info on the product. 

--- zeb caffe <jamaki...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Paula, I have been using something called allimed
> for a chronic infection that I acquired in my
> jawbone due to infected dental implants that had to
> be removed. I heard about it from a lyme doctor who
> said that they had some success with it with lyme
> patients. You have to order it and it is expensive
> but I think it is a very good antimicrobial and anti
> fungal. I just recently started using it and it
> seems to work well for my jaw. I have a feeling that
> this infection in my jaw is going to be long term
> for me and I need something I can tolerate. I know
> of a lyme patient that said it has cured her thrush
> .she was using nystatin rinse that was doing nothing
> for her. I tried oregano and it didnt do much for me
> with the jaw infection but burn like anything. I
> have read good results from others about oregano
> however. Have you tried the carvacol oregano?
>   A question for anyone in the group. I use
> alternatives with my dog for most things. I have
> found herbals effective for ear infections and I
> also give my dog high quality food. I took her to
> the vet today and I was told that heart worm is
> becoming a big problem and can carry risks to humans
> now. I keep my dog flea free by using a flea comb
> and vacuuming the carpet daily. Because she is a
> small dog and rarely goes outside and we have no
> cats, fleas have never been a problem so I dont use
> advantage because the dog sleeps in my bed and I 
> know that this advantage stuff can get in your
> enviroment. I am however worried about heart worm
> and some other parasites that seem to be emerging
> with pets. does anyone have any suggestions for
> heartworm or should I just bite the bullet and give
> her the pill? Also any natural suggestions for fleas
> would be helpful as my vet doesnt think I am doing
> my dog justice by refusing advantage. I hate giving
> my dog a pill that is an internal
>  insecticide.
>   Thanks to everyone who has answered my questions
> in the past.
> ---------------------------------
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