
     MMS could still be sold if it is advertised as something other than a 
mineral supplement.  Calling it a water purification system might work, along 
with anything not human or health related.  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Scott 
  Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 3:55 PM
  Subject: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA to ban Sodium Chlorite/ MMS

  Sorry to hear about this but not surprised. Is there anyway to get around 
this possibly by adding another compound to it that can easily be neutralized 
later in the actual MMS production process? I am not sure what other chemical 
and/or compound  would do such but it would be worth checking out wouldn't it?
  This stuff is just too good to have it go bye-bye. Certain government 
agencies are getting to the point of getting away with murder by cutting off 
our freedom to put whatever we want to in our own bodies. Something must be 
done. We have to take back our country or we are not going to have any freedoms 
and that is not a laughing matter!
  I am in the process of finding ways to protect myself from them even if it 
means I have to go against the proverbial "grain". So, I would invite you folks 
to do the same. Take care and God bless you.

  Scotty <>< wrote:

    Global light posted this in their latest emial posting.

    Right at the end of the business day, I got a very disappointing call 
    from my supplier for sodium chlorite which is the raw ingredient for 
    making MMS. Aaron advised me that his company has received a notice, 
    presumably from a government agency, that sodium chlorite suppliers 
    have been selling the product to individuals and companies who are 
    using it to make a product intended for human ingestion. They are 
    advised that it is illegal for companies to sell sodium chlorite for 
    that use. Aaron called me immediately, even before he had time to do 
    more research, and he is committed to find a way to continue 
    supplying sodium chlorite to Global Light Network. Frankly, I am not 
    optimistic at all. They have been holding 1,000 pounds of sodium 
    chlorite for us, and we will try to get that last lot released to us, 
    but they will probably be intimidated by the government threat. 

    I think I told the members early on that I expected the government to 
    move in before too long. MMS is simply doing too much good for too 
    many people for them to not move to stop it as they have so many 
    other miracle solutions to sickness and premature death. I thought at 
    first that the FDA would come after the suppliers of MMS. However, I 
    have always thought that the easier way to block MMS would be to 
    choke off the supply of sodium chlorite, and that does seem to be the 
    way they have chosen. 

    Be assured that we will do everything possible to find alternative 
    sources. Since we have grown to be the largest supplier of MMS in the 
    world, this development will certainly have an enormous negative 
    impact on Global Light Network. Therefore, to preserve our supplies 
    as long as possible, effective immediately, we are withdrawing all 
    MMS kits and other bulk packaging from our shopping carts. 
    Additionally, effective immediately, we are no longer offering 
    wholesale or distributor discounts. If and when we are able to secure 
    a reliable source for sodium chlorite, we will again offer kits and 
    discounts to the trade


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