Hi Reid,
 Two excellent books are The Beginners Handbook of Dowsing by Baum, amd
Dousing for Beginners by Webster. One of them has an advanced section,
don`t remember which one.

  Bless You  Bob Lee 

Reid Smith wrote:
> >Anyway, I got to wondering if our bed might be on an energy line since
> Donna, my
> >wife has had insomnia for years.  So I dowsed the house and found a positive
> >line right smack through the side of the bed she sleeps on.  Anyway, to make 
> >a
> >long story short, I moved the bed over 6 inches so the line now falls off the
> >edge of the bed, and her insomnia went away immediately and has not returned.
> >Marshall
>   Please explain what a person needs to start dowsing and how it's done.
> Take Care
> Reid

oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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