My mother had experimental chemo for uterine cancer back in 1965. They removed a 8 lb tumor and treated her with chemo. It bought her 35 yrs so she did benefit from it.

My husband in now undergoing chemo his cancer had rapidly advanced and he was dying of liver failure last month. We consented to chemo to try and save his life. It worked and maybe that is only for the time being but his quality of life is good and he is alive. Not all people have this kind of positive response. I'm with you I don't like chemo and the negative side effects that many suffer. But that said. We can fight the good fight against cancer trying to use the various natural ways of healing. Then a time comes when nothing is working anymore and Chemo is the end choice. There are some people who have gone into remission of certain types of cancers, others are not so lucky.

It's a very personal decision and as someone who never thought I would say yes I found myself saying yes and I have no regrets.


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