You have to realize that Hawaii, as an agricultural state is facing the same 
problems as say, Nebraska in terms of Ag polution. Especially on Maui. The 
water is heavy with fertilizers in some places, plus military and industrial 
wastes. The Enviromental Impact statement for say the West Coast of Oahu have 
been done, but are not generally available. You could check and see if there is 
an EPA report on your part of Maui. Hawaii is a secret cesspool as far as I'm 
concerned. And I love Hawaii and its people very much. The environment there 
needs a lot of attention. wrote:  Notice any difference in the chemtrail spraying 
on each of the islands?? I could see why Maui, being more populus would be 
getting hit more frequently due to having more population, but I don't think 
there are alot of people on the big island??? I do remember they were 
scheduling a depleted uranium burn for the big island though.

---- jessie70 wrote: 
> Speaking of skin allergies, does anyone know what is growing on the big
> island of Hawaii and Maui that could cause itchy skin?
> I got a terrible face itch there but not on Kauaii. Thx. Jess
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sol []
> Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 5:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis?
> In my personal experience eczema is an allergic reaction to something
> either contacted or ingested.
> It is fashionable to believe all skin reactions are detoxing of some
> kind, but I don't think so. Most people eventually can discover an
> allergen if they take the time to do the work required to track it
> (them) down.
> sol
> faith gagne wrote:
> > Does your remedy apply to eczema also? thanks. Faith G.
> >
> >
> --
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The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

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