please share the fire ant repellant formula unless you are in the works of 
making it commercial of course.  if you are where can we buy it?
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Wayne Fugitt<> 
  Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 3:50 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>catnip as mosquito repellant

  At 03:43 PM 3/29/2008, you wrote:

  >Lavender essential oil is also effective, and smells a lot nicer, LOL. And 
  >if you forget to apply before going out it will also fix a gnat or 
  >mosquito or fly bite quickly. Use diluted for repellant, neat for a bite 
  >or burn.

    I made a fire ant repellant using oils.

    It really worked.

    Generally the body can and will make its own repellents.  Whatever it 
  does has kept the ticks and
  mosquitoes off me for years. Many, Many years.

  People that to into the jungles in South America have told me the same thing.

  Also these same things can repel fish.  This is why some people cannot 
  catch as many fish as
  others.  Now....... that is a disadvantage.



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