Morning Debbie,

>>At 03:19 AM 4/2/2008, you wrote:

While not an expert on the subject you mention, I understand some of the theory and follow the
logic, ........ Or Lack of it !

Can i add that many women develop breast cancer DUE to the wire in their bras (i take all mine out) ...the EMF is drawn to the wire and storedin the breast tissue...

  The effect of EMF may in fact do what you describe.

I do have a problem with the wording of your statement, as it seems to contradict everything I
have learned over many years.

I wonder where you are getting your information, or ...... Or you dreaming it up ?

EMF and Magnetic fields do their work in a specific manner. Many of the tasks are very important and you benefit from them every day.

The most common is creating high voltage to ignite fuel in you automobile engine. If that ceases to work, you are the first to know.

The fields could be considered in two categories, Changing and Standing. the first step to understanding these slightly is to experiment with a permanent magnet. Several very simple experiments exist.

Permanent magnets are in a class of their own, and not generally dangerous.

Most of the horror stories you read are exaggerated and relate to EMP, more so than EMF.

EMP is the scary one that you hear little about as it was kept secret for many years. This is the one that will get your attention, and make you want to duck, run, and hide. Likely you can't unless you go deep into the ground.

Another false concept is that EMP "out of the blue" will fry your brain and/or body the way lightning strikes do. In the levels created by a nuclear weapon, it would not pose a health hazard to plants, animals, or man PROVIDED it isn't concentrated.

Considering all the other hazards in the world, one should hope he lives long enough for
EMP or similar to kill them.

Back to your statement,

>>>  ..the EMF is drawn to the wire and storedin the breast tissue...

I do not know or understand any theory or methods that support this. I do not think that
any EMF or EMP can be stored, not by normal means.

Most of the methods and information on EMP relates to Military and Weapons of War. A beam of EMP, concentrated will stop your Car, Stop your computer, render most electrical devices inoperable, including...........

The Chip in my head.  Darn, I fear the day.

All traffic will stop, planes will Crash, all communications will cease, ........... and heaven only knows what all else.

This should be on the Off Topic List.

