> From: Patrice Noma <pn...@hotmail.com>wrote:
>  How much CS should I put into the
> nebulizer?  How many breaths should we take or how
> many minutes should we inhale?  How many times a
> week would this be advised?  Would using a mask have
> a weaker effect than using a mouthpiece?  Shorter
> time with a mouthpiece than with a mask?  I only
> have a mouthpiece.  Would it be an invitation to
> trouble for us to share the mouthpiece or would the
> silver kill any potential germs?  
>Hi Patrice,

The standard protocol is: 1oz. CS mixed with 1/4
tsp.-1/2 tsp. MSM.  Mix the MSM (great for lungs) in
the oz. of CS; let dissovle, then nebulize.  However,
the little cup on my nebulizer will not hold the full
oz., so I just fill the little cup and save the
remaining mixture for another treatmeant later on in
the day.

The standard treatment for respirtory infection is 20
minutes 3 X daily until infection is gone.  Could take
a few days or not depending on how severe the
infection is.

I do not have any experience with a mask.  However, I
have nephews that have asthma that are very young who
use a mask and it seems to work very well for them. 
No personal experience myself.  Have only used the

I would not want to share the mouthpiece with somebody
else unless first washing and disinfecting it before
they use it after I have.  Simple hygiene.

Some have also have good results by mixing a little
DMSO in with the CS.  It is usually suggested using a
10% mixture of DMSO with the CS when using DMSO.

Everybody I have talked to or seen use this protocol
has had success.


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