Here we go Mike !!!! 
Peace is easy ... it is a Mindset
Received 3 April - from Sustainability

A Fake Group Fights for Monsanto's Right to Deceive You  

The American Farmers for the Advancement and Conservation of Technology, or 
Afact, calls itself a “grass-roots organization” that came together to defend 
their right to use the artificial growth hormone recombinant bovine 
somatotropin, also known as rBST or rBGH, in their milk production.

What they do not tell you is that Afact is not only an organization of dairy 
farmers. The group actually has close ties to Monsanto, the makers of rBGH, 
which is marketed under the brand name Posilac.

Monsanto and a Colorado consultant that lists Monsanto as a client helped to 
organize Afact. The   group has also worked with marketing firm Osborn & Barr, 
whose founders include a former Monsanto executive.

As a growing number of consumers are choosing to buy milk that does not contain 
artificial growth hormones, Afact has started a counteroffensive to stop milk 
labels from being allowed to say they contain “no artificial growth hormone.”

Cows treated with Posilac produce about one gallon more per day than untreated 
cows.  Certain    farmers want to keep using the hormone to boost their 
profits, while many consumers wonder about     the potential health risks to 
humans and cows.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has declared that Posilac is safe, but 
many other countries    have refused to approve it. 
New York Times March 9, 2008

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Dr. Mercola's Comments:  
Afact appears to be Monsanto’s last-ditch attempt to keep their rBGH profits 
growing, even as in-creasing numbers of U.S. dairies, and consumers, choose to 
avoid milk treated with hormones like   the plague.   Their way of going about 
this is being done in typical Monsanto style: deceitfully.

Monsanto’s “cover” group is now fighting for the right to keep YOU in the dark 
about what’s in the  food you eat. They want labels that say milk is 
“rBGh-free” or “rBST-free” to be banned, so that you cannot choose to boycott 
their artificial hormones.

The FDA, of course, is known to be in bed with major corporations like 
Monsanto, which may be      why the United States has allowed the use of rBGH 
since 1993, while other countries, including       Canada and the European 
Union, turned it down.

Why Might You be Concerned About rBGH in Your Milk?

Now, I am not a fan of pasteurized milk of any kind, whether or not it contains 
rBGH, but that does     not preclude the fact that this hormone may very well 
be dangerous. Consider this statement by      Michael Hansen, Ph.D., a senior 
scientist with Consumers Union: 

“Consumers may have a number of reasons why they want to know whether milk 
comes from          cows    that were treated with rbGH. Some consumers may be 
concerned with the various animal     health   problems (increases in mastitis 
[visibly abnormal milk], various reproductive problems,     laminitis,   
injection site reaction, etc.) caused by the drug and may not want the cow to 
suffer   needlessly.  Indeed, Canada and the European Union turned down rbGH 
for approval on the        grounds that it was not safe for animals. 

Others may be concerned about the unanswered human health questions, which 
primarily revolve    around potential for increased milk levels of antibiotic 
residues and of insulin like growth factor 1,    which has been linked to 
numerous cancers.

Yet others may want to support small, family farm operations. According to 2007 
US Department         of Agriculture figures, some 9.1% of small farms—those 
with less than 100 cows—use POSILAC,    while some 42.7% of the large 
farms—those with more than 500 cows—use it. Thus, rbGH is used   more than 4.5 
times more frequently by large farmers than small farmers.”

rBGH Milk is Genetically Modified

Not surprisingly, considering that Monsanto is at the forefront of the 
genetically modified food industry, rBGH milk is actually genetically modified 
milk.   It is not always perceived as such, yet, the reality remains.

Increased IGF-1 levels are not the only concern when it comes to "genetically 
modified" milk, says Samuel Epstein, MD, a scientist at the University of 
Illinois School of Public Health who is one of the   top expert's on cancer 
prevention. He is also the author of one of the best books on the topic, Got 
(Genetically Engineered) Milk?

"This milk is qualitatively and quantitatively different from natural milk," 
states Dr. Epstein. "In addition   to the issue of increased IGF-1 levels, 
these differences include:

Contamination of milk by the GM hormone rBGH 
Contamination by pus and antibiotics resulting from the high incidence of 
mastitis in rBGH injected   cows 
Contamination with illegal antibiotics and drugs used to treat mastitis and 
other rBGH-induced disease Increased concentration of the thyroid hormone 
enzyme thyroxin-5'-monodeiodinase 
Increased concentration of long chain and decreased concentration of short 
chain fatty acids 
A reduction in levels of the milk protein casein"
Well, the numerous concerns surrounding rBGH have not been kept a secret. I 
posted an article back     in 2002 that found the major reason that rBGH was 
still on the market was that it was not labeled. 

So food manufacturers took matters into their own hands, and, since milk was 
not labeled as being    “with rBGH,” began to advertise if their milk did NOT 
contain it. Some dairy analysts, according to     the New York Times article 
above, now believe that soon nearly all of the milk supply will come from 
untreated cows.

And do you think that this makes Monsanto a little hot under the collar? Of 
course, and their “answer”   is Afact.

This is a Bigger Issue Than Just rBGH

The moral of this story is not only about the risks of rBGH, it’s about the 
risks of a society that allows    a corrupt company like Monsanto to exist.

I came across this quote from Dr. Robert Hare from the film The Corporation, 
and it really sums up the issue quite nicely:   "There are some corporations 
that clearly are operating at a level that are disastrous for the general 
public … And in fact I suppose one could argue that in many respects a 
corporation of that sort is the prototypical psychopath, at the corporate level 
instead of the individual level."

Monsanto is one such company, and if you have any doubt about their intention 
to put profits ahead     of human existence, consider that this is the same 
corporation that produced Agent Orange, PCBs,     and genetically modified 
terminator seeds that are threatening the future of your food supply.

Monsanto is the poster child for manipulation and corporate greed, so please, 
forward this article on to your circle of influence, and make the choice to 
boycott any product that this unethical company is associated with. 

Related Articles:
The Sordid History of Monsanto Poisoning Your Milk
Monsanto Attacks "Hormone-Free" Milk Labels
Monsanto Pushes Hormones on School Kids in Their Milk