Quote from article for the record.
* Twenty-first Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food
    Additives, Geneva, 1977, WHO Technical Report Series No. 617
Says the colour comes from melanin, not silver deposits.
Not referring to EIS, of course.



         Absorption of silver resembles whole body retention. It is
    retained in all body tissues (Hamilton et al., 1972a; Tripton et al.,
    1966). The silver content of the miocardium, aorta and pancreas tends
    to decrease with age (Bala et al., 1969) although the amount of silver
    in the body increases with age (Hill and Pillsbury, 1939). The
    concentration of silver in healthy human tissues from the United
    Kingdom was 1-9 µg/kg ash was found. The average silver contents in
    wet tissue of normal Americans was about 0.05 µg/kg (Tripton, 1963).

         The intake from the diet is estimated at 27 µg/day (Hamilton and
    Minski, 1972) up to 88 µg/day (Kehoe et al., 1940).

         Silver toxicity is manifested in a variety of forms, some proven
    others suspected. Proven forms include: argyria, gastrointestinal
    irritation, renal and pulmonary lesions. Suspected forms include,
    among others (ill-defined) arteriosclerosis (Casarett and Doull,

         Argyria denotes the slate blue colour observed in parts of the
    body of persons exposed chronically to silver (Anderson, 1966).
    Epidemiologically, two types of argyria are recognized: industrial
    argyria and iatrogenic argyria.

         Regardless of type there are two forms of argyria, local and
    generalized. The local form involves the formation of grey blue
    patches on the skin or may manifest itself in the conjunctiva of the
    eye. In generalized argyria the skin shows widespread pigmentation,
    often spreading from the face to most uncovered parts of the body. In
    some cases the skin may become black with a metallic lustre. Heavy
    pigmentation of the eye structures can interfere with vision (Casarett
    and Doull, 1975). Except for this adverse effect argyria is solely a
    cosmetic problem. The slate blue colour of argyria is not entirely due
    as one might suspect, to the deposition of metallic silver (Petering,
    1976), but largely to an increased deposition of melanin. Silver has a
    melanocyte-stimulating property (Rich et al., 1972). Cases of
    generalized argyria have occurred after ingestion or chronic medicinal
    application of gram quantities of silver. Silver was absorbed during
    prolonged (nine months) nasal application of Targesine (silver
    solution). It was calculated that during this time 7000 ml of solution
    containing 210 g silver had been used (Voldrich et al., 1975).

         After chronic medical and occupational exposure to silver,
    argyria and argyrosis are the most common findings. Although
    intravenous administration of a total of 0.91-7.6 g (average 2.39)
    silver as silver arsphenamine in a period of two to nine years has
    caused argyria, hundreds of patients have received up to 1.7 g Ag
    (as arsphenamine) without developing argyria.

         In argyria silver is regularly deposited in blood vessels,
    connective tissue, skin, glomeruli of the kidney, choroid plexus,
    mesenteric glands and thyroid. Adrenals, lungs, dura mater, bones,
    cartilage muscle and nervous tissue are minimally involved as
    deposition sites for silver.

         In workers argyrosis of the cornea may be accompanied by
    turbidity of the anterior lens capsule and disturbance of the dark
    adaptation, usually not resulting in loss of vision.

         Argyria is observed only in connexion with occupational medical
    exposure or after cosmetic application of silver (Hill and Pillsbury,

This site is recommending daily sea food intake for mineral top ups.
 Silver mention as under:
Infections and Infectious Diseases
The daily seafood routine is highly effective at preventing infections and 
infectious diseases. It appears that the trace element silver, which 
currently remains unrecognized and is still 'unknown' in the medical 
sciences - never mind maintained in agricultural soils - is a potent agent 
against a wide range of infections, and particularly so against 
viruses.Silver is known as 'toxic' to our system. This is not quite true. 
Silver is a natural component - albeit in miniscule amounts - of all 'wild' 
plant and animal organisms, including all seafood. And while definitely 
toxic to us in larger amounts, the toxicity of the ultra-miniscule amount of 
silver in all 'wild' plant and animal tissue is absolutely deadly to all 
microorganism, such as bacteria, and especially so viruses.Since silver is 
not maintained in the soil by our modern agriculture, all of our 
agriculturally grown food has become severely deficient in silver. 
Consequently, we now have a severe deficiency in the ultra-miniscule amount 
of silver our bodies need in order to defend themselves against these 
invading microorganism. It is as if our bodies have an impenetrable defense 
ring of highly sophisticated and super accurate canons - but no 
ammunition.Do not even think about supplementing silver in your body!It will 
kill you!Today, and in the absence of food grown in soils containing trace 
elements of silver, a daily serving of seafood is the only really safe 

Corn mention on another page on the site listing chemicals used. 

As these agricultural recommendations show, corn is heavyly and often 
treated - frequently at 5 day intervals - with a wide range of agricultural 

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