I think that raw foods should be dipped in CS to sterilize them.
..perhaps exposed to Ozone, but that makes free radicals, right?
 ..and UV light makes Ozone?

 So far as radiation killing the plant....
 A "dead" plant will wilt in a day making it unsalable in no time.
Freezing kills plants, but is not blamed for loss of nutrients, but a thawed plant doesn't last long if not kept cold

Plants are exposed to all sorts of radiation out in the field, from electromagnetic, to nuclear Gamma Alpha and Beta, X rays, cosmic rays, to various light frequencies.
It will sterilize itself over time.
It's "when" contamination happens that makes the difference.....and storage *away* from radiation under conditions conducive to bacterial replication.

How much difference?
10 people out of 100,000 gets sick and there's a recall of hundreds of tons.
Why did "they" get sick when no one else did?  [Hard to say]

In the old days, people dipped salad greens in boiling water to make wilted lettuce dishes by preference.
 Blanching was a common process.
 Was there a reason for that?

E Coli etc is everywhere to some degree. What degree makes the difference to who, is the question.

..a bit of illogic:
"people killed by infections and chronic diseases that are prevented by the natural medicines found in fresh produce! "

If fresh produce was the "cure" , irradiation would never have been considered...no one would have become ill.

Does irradiation, *as practiced*.... "in fact" kill the plant or is that a broad supposition? One must look into the type of radiation and exposure time on *what* plant to know anything at all.

Driving "Automobiles" cause deaths too... but there are *variables* that make using them worth while. [Like how many vegetables are driving them that day ] If "radiation" were such an absolute boogey man, we'd all be dead already...dead millions of years ago. We live in a literal sea of the stuff and always have.

Harlan Clemmons, Sadex: People claim that there will be cell damage and there would be at higher doses, but if a dose level just needed to get a four or five log reduction of pathogens, there's no cell damage, no damage to the product.

Many of *Your* cells are , in fact, being killed by radiation all the time. but you aren't dead...so what makes people believe that a controlled exposure will kill produce any more than that already in the process of dying from having been plucked away from its roots?

Could it be that "buying fresh produce" is a misnomer to start with?
How fresh is "fresh" ?

 Get it out of your own garden while it's still screaming!!!!!
..then blanch it for safety....and to shut it up.
 Danged noisy food!    [LOL]


At 01:57 PM 4/17/2008 -0400, you wrote:

The Food Irradiation Plot: Why the USDA Wants to Sterilize Fresh
and Turn Live Foods into Dead Foods

Monday, April 14, 2008 by: Mike Adams | Key concepts: USDA, irradiation
and the USDA

(NaturalNews) There's a new plot underway to sterilize your food and
destroy the nutritional value of fresh produce. The players in this
are the usual suspects: The USDA (which backed the "raw" almond
sterilization rules now in effect in California) and the American
Chemical Society -- a pro-chemical group that represents the interests
of industrial chemical manufacturers. The latest push comes from USDA
researchers who conducted a study to see which method more effectively
killed bacteria on leafy green vegetables like spinach.

To conduct the study, they bathed the spinach in a solution
with bacteria. Then, they tried to remove the bacteria using three
methods: Washing, chemical spraying and irradiation. Not surprisingly,
only the irradiation killed nearly 100 percent of the bacterial
colonies. That's because radiation sterilizes both the bacteria and the
vegetable leaves, effectively killing the plant and destroying much of
its nutritional value while it kills the bacteria.

The USDA claims this is a huge success. By using radiation on all fresh
produce, they claim, the number of food-borne illness outbreaks that
happen each year could be substantially reduced. It all makes sense
until you realize that by destroying the nutritional value of all fresh
produce sold in the United States, an irradiation policy would greatly
increase the number of people killed by infections and chronic diseases
that are prevented by the natural medicines found in fresh produce!

Why fresh, living produce helps prevent sickness

The USDA, you see, has zero recognition of the difference between
produce and dead produce. To uneducated government bureaucrats,
pasteurized or irradiated vegetable juice is identical to fresh, raw,
living vegetable juice. They believe this because they've never been
taught about the phytonutrients, digestive enzymes and life force
properties that are found in fresh foods, but that are destroyed
heat or irradiation. This, the USDA is operating out of extreme
ignorance when it comes to food and nutrition.

Even a simple leaf of spinach contains hundreds of natural medicines --
phytonutrients that help prevent cancer, eye diseases, nervous system
disorders, heart disease and much more. Every living vegetable is a
powerhouse of disease-fighting medicine: Broccoli prevents cancer, beet
greens cleanse the liver, cilantro removes heavy metals, celery
cancer, berries prevent heart disease and dark leafy greens help
over a dozen serious health conditions while boosting immune function
and helping prevent other infections. But when you subject these fruits
and vegetables to enough radiation to kill 99.9% of the pathogens that
may be hitching a ride, you also destroy many of the phytonutrients
responsible for these tremendous health benefits!

This means that while irradiating food may decrease outbreaks of
food-borne illnesses, it will have the unintended consequence of
increasing the number of people who get sick from other infections (and
chronic diseases) due to the fact that their source of natural medicine
has been destroyed. For many Americans, you see, salad greens are their
one remaining source for phytonutrients. Given their diets of processed
foods, junk foods and cooked foods, there are very few opportunities
these consumers to get fresh, phytonutrient-rich foods into their diet.
And now the USDA wants to take that away, too, by mandating the
irradiation of all fresh produce.

Let me make a rather obvious prediction, on the record: If the
irradiation of fresh produce goes into effect in the United States,
rates of infection among consumers will sharply increase, not decrease,
due to the removal of immune-boosting natural medicine from the food
supply. Consumers will also experience higher rates of cancer, heart
disease, dementia, eye disorders, diabetes and even obesity. By
destroying these thousands of healing phytonutrients, irradiation will
leave many consumers defenseless against modern society's many health

It is no exaggeration to say that a policy of mass irradiation of fresh
produce is as blatantly stupid as the Romans building their aqueducts
with lead-lined waterways. As historians have explained, after the
aqueducts were built, the water delivered to the Roman population was
contaminated with lead -- a heavy metal that causes numerous health
problems, including insanity. Many historians blame the lead-lined
aqueducts as one of the primary reasons why the Roman Empire fell: Its
leaders went mad, and the rest is history.

I would argue that America's leaders are already mad, but that's beside
the point. If we start irradiating our food, thereby destroying its
nutritional value, we are going to unleash a cascade of unintended
consequences even greater than the Roman's aqueducts. Absent the
protections of phytonutrients found in plants, the health of most
consumers will rapidly decline, and we'll see the U.S. thrust into a
quagmire of chronic disease and medical bankruptcy. (It's already
heading there, of course, but killing the food supply will only
accelerate the downward spiral of health.)

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