What has nutmeg on the belly button got to do with anything.
You are always soooooooo informative.
-------------- Original message from "Rowena" <>: --------------

Sorry Day, but I think that once you have a belly button you are pretty much stuck with it apart from plastic surgery, and even they tend to preserve them if possible.
Still the belly button is useful to locate the navel, and the navel to locate the universe, oh, no, I meant the big blood vessel, the aorta thingy.  By shining the LED down the belly button, you are, besides showing up the cobwebs, shining it very close to the hugest passing flow of blood.  This would have the effect of cleaning the blood supply of a number of unwelcome guests; I have been given the suggestion to hold it there twenty minutes while all the blood supply of the body passes by and gets the treatment.  And while the nutmeg was for the prostate, for which the LED is also useful, I'm sure the belly would also appreciate a bit of nutmeg every now and then.

What was wrong with the belly button?  How much Nutmeg did it take to cure it? Day Sutton

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 7:31 AM, Sandee George <> wrote:
Hi There Steve - I live on the Island of Grenada the second largest
producer of
the Nutmeg in the world - we use it here all the time for this problem as
well as many other medicinal challenges - we do not have the scientific
studies etc.,  that are found abroad in the larger countries, as far as I
am aware, we have our own old-time remedies which we know work and so we
use them when chal-lenges present themselves - this is all the
information I can give you personally - you will have to be your own
judge and follow your own intuition.
Be well and healthy