Well here's what was in it, I thought it showed up since I copied it? 
How Fluoride Kills Human Cells 
Researchers uncovering mechanisms behind fluoride's toxicity 
Fluoride, the 'Golden Child' of dental professionals around theworld, 
Seems to have a 'dark side' that few outside a very specialized fieldof 
The scientific community are aware of. As disturbing as it may be, 
Fluoride apparently has the ability to cause DNA damage and even 'cell 
Death in human cells. 
In a new study, researchers from the National Institute for Environmental 
Studies in Japan note that 
'Even though fluoride toxicity is increasingly being considered to be 
Important, very little information is available on the mechanism of 
Action of fluoride.' 
You might think that most everything would be known about a chemical that 
Is being added to our water and prescribed for our children, but 
Regrettably this is not the case. 
Researchers decided to investigate the mechanism by which fluoride's is 
Able to kill cells by observing how it affects human leukemia cells. 
Cancerous cells are often used in research on toxicity because they are 
More active than normal cells. 
They found that the fluoride induced a form of cell death known as 
'apoptosis' in a dose-dependent and time dependent manner. 
Now, if fluoride killing cancerous cells were the 'end of the story', 
This would be a great breakthrough in cancer treatment and would likely 
Save many lives. Unfortunately, things are not quite so simple. 
Lead researcher Dr. C.D. Anuradha, in comments to the Optimal Wellness 
Center, explains that 'fluoride in general is harmful to any type of 
Cell. We have seen that fluoride causes cell death in other non-cancerous 
Cells but however the mode of death has been found to be different.' 
Instead of causing apoptosis, in normal cells fluoride seems to kill 
Cells through a different mechanism, known as 'necrosis'. 
Cell Death - Murder or Suicide? 
Apoptosis, also known as 'programmed cell death' in a processgoverned by 
Genes in which the cell dies from within upon activation by some 
Stimulating factor. It is a useful phenomenon, which occurs often as part 
Of the normal functioning of the human body, as it gets rid of unwanted 
Cells. The term apoptosis is derived from the Greek word that signifies 
'the dropping of leaves from the trees.' The falling leaves are nolonger 
Needed, just as is the case with the unwanted cells, so they are gotten 
Rid of, and recycled back into the earth. 
Necrosis, on the other hand, is an externally influenced death, which 
Occurs through some type of local injury (as loss of blood supply, 
Corrosion, burning, or the local lesion of a disease). 
A useful analogy between apoptosis and necrosis might be to compare 
Suicide (apoptosis) to murder (necrosis). 
Is it Dangerous at Much Lower Doses? 
Now many readers may ask the intelligent question of - How does this 
Affect me? Are the much lower concentrations found in fluoridated water 
And toothpaste a danger to my family and me? 
The answer unfortunately is that nobody knows for sure. However, Dr. 
Anuradha states that, although the concentrations are quite low'&still 
We expect some amount of damage even at lower concentrations, since at 
Higher concentrations the results are quite clear that the difference is 
Enormous and significant.' 
She notes that the issue of therapeutic fluoridation is the subject of 
Much debate. Could this be the reason that Japan does not fluoridate ANY 
Of its water supplies? This can't be said with certainty, but after all, 
Doesn't it make sense to keep a potentially dangerous substance out of 
The water and not FORCE the entire population to consume it? 
In the United States currently about 60% of the population drinks 
Fluoridated water, although if the federal government has its way, that 
Percentage will rise dramatically. This is especially true with states 
Like California MANDATING the fluoridation of the public water supplies 
Over a certain size. 
How it Caused Cell-Death 
Dr. Anuradha and colleagues found that fluoride caused apoptosis in the 
Human leukemia cells by activating an enzyme called caspase-3, which has 
Been identified as a key mediator of apoptosis of cells in humans and 
Other mammals. 
The authors note that 'The results clearly suggest that fluoride causes 
Cell death in HL-60 (human leukemia) cells by causing the activation of 
Caspase-3 which in turn cleaves PARP leading to DNA damage and ultimately 
Cell death.' 
What Type of Fluoride? 
Except for readers with strong scientific backgrounds, most people don't 
Realize that there is really no such thing as plain 'fluoride'. Whenit 
Said that 'fluoride' is added to the water, in reality it is a 
Fluoride-compound such as sodium fluoride (NaF), which is the form used 
In these toxicity experiments. 
While this may be the most well known and well-studied of all the 
fluoride compounds, it is actually very rarely used for water 
fluoridation. In over 90% of the fluoridated water in the US, the 
chemicals used are one of the silicofluorides (either fluosilicic acid or 
sodium silicofluoride). 
However, these chemicals have been shown to act much differently from the 
much simpler sodium fluoride. In one study, it was shown that these 
chemicals enhance the cellular uptake of lead 
Being that there is evidence that silicofluorides may be even more toxic 
than NaF, it is quite possible that the DNA damage and cell-killing 
ability might be even greater in the type of fluoride used in the water 
What Can I Do About it? 
Whether you believe that water fluoridation is a vast conspiracy or 
simply that it is a possibility that fluoride is a dangerous substance 
that you would just rather avoid, the question remains the same - what to 
do about it? 
The best advice would be to go to our Fluoride Links Page and get 

---- Faith Gagne <jitte...@gis.net> wrote: 
> This link is not found.  Faith G.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: <kmilkow...@cfl.rr.com>
> To: <lymea...@aol.com>; <lymec...@yahoogroups.com>; 
> <lymestrateg...@yahoogroups.com>; <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 6:37 AM
> Subject: CS>How Fluoride Kills Human Cells
> > How Fluoride Kills Human Cells
> >
> > http://www.mercola.com/2000/sept/24/fluoride_kills_cells.htm
> >
> --
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