On May 21, 2008, at 7:41 AM, June Black wrote:??>??>>> Marshall, did you do??> research on effectiveness of 
alternative??>>> treatments with malignant??> brain tumor? No one ever hears about the??>>> 
alternatives.??>>>??>>> Pat????I had a friend with a brain tumor about 8 years ago. He used all the ??things he could find at 
that time, juicing, some soy bean extract ??something or the other, B-17 and so forth. The doctors gave him 3 months ??if he would do radiation 
and chemo, but he only did radiation. He lived ??about 2 years, but never was able to cure it. You might want to get the ??video "Dying to 
Know", and follow that protocol. They claim high success ??rate with all cancers including brain cancer. The doctor who developed ??it was 
sent to prison on trumped up charges then murdered, so there is ??probably something to it.????Marshall??.

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