I have had terrible itching now for 2 months and I look like a "meatball" . It 
started on the last days of a holiday in Vietnam and got worse and worse . I 
have seen 3 doctors , but I still do not have a sure diagnose . One said 
SCABIES , so I took 2 times cure for that about 2 weeks ago - but it just 
continues to itch . It is worse at night  under the warm blanket .
I also have got a "legsore" which has been growing very much during theese 2 
months and i now 20x15 cm on my left leg . I know that I have varicose veins , 
so that is tre reason . But I would like very much to cure all of this skin 
problems .
One doctor thougt the itching was related to this - I do not think so ....all 
over the boady.........
The skin spcialist did not know , but asked if anyboady in my family has 
Psoriasis and the answer is NO........
I am 58 years and live healthy .
I even tryed a week of fasting to see if it went away ! But no (it mighthave 
been a very little bit better that week only)
Do any of you have any suggestions or good tips ? I am hopeing !!! Because this 
drives me crazy and I do never get a good nights sleep.
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