We just got back from a party where I talked to a woman I've known for years 
who has had MS for about 7  years.  She was forwarded an article alerting her 
to look into wheat gluten/celiac disease for being the cause of MS.  Two days 
after she found out about it, on March 28th of this year, she began following 
the diet on http://www.msrecoverydiet.com/.  Now almost 2 months later she has 
so much more mobility, used to take naps now has too much energy for it, has 
lost weight in her stomach area (she's quite thin).  My friend has her PhD in 
nutrition and teaches at a local community college and at a local medical 
school (UT Southwestern).  She will be presenting her findings this Wed. to the 
medical school.  She wants her old MRI's there.  Although she is greatly 
improved, she said it's not time yet to do another MRI for comparison.  As a 
nutritionist, she couldn't believe her ailment was staring her in the face but 
remembered the Hippocrates quote "Let they food by they medicine and they 
medicine by thy food".   I hope the word gets out to the many people suffering 
from this disease that's considered neurological.  How many other neurological 
disorders are caused by wrong food choices?


Their book explains that there are five common trigger foods that can set off 
the symptoms of MS--dairy, grains containing gluten, legumes, eggs and yeast. 
Yet because MS is such a complex disease, other foods may also be the culprits. 
The MS Recovery Diet explains the background, science and development of this 
diet in one source for the first time, and shows readers how to pinpoint their 
specific problem foods and sensitivities.