I can't wait for government-run health care in the U.S.

-----Original Message-----
From: kmilkow...@cfl.rr.com [mailto:kmilkow...@cfl.rr.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 12:57 PM
To: ACMN; avian2...@yahoogroups.com; 8th...@yahoogroups.com;
lymec...@yahoogroups.com; lymestrateg...@yahoogroups.com;
Subject: CS>Forced Vaccinations

From: W.G.E.N.
Every time I see a report on MANDATED medical practices on anyone I
immediately think back to the mad Doctors of Germany.  Keep this in mind as
you keep believing that America is a nation of FREE PEOPLE.  You ARE NOT
FREE as long as government can tell you - and FORCE YOU to - be subjected to
their insane medical experiments. How many brutal Dr. Josef Mengele, the
Nazi's Auschwitz Angel of Death do we have in America? How could a physician
use his healing powers to cause mutilation, ... 
Take a peek at this web page and see what wonderful results those maniacs
produced. http://www.auschwitz.dk/doctors.htm
Then check out the medical experiments done here in America -  like Tuskegee
- and then the forced vaccines on the Military troops.

Jackie Juntti
WGEN  idz...@earthlink.net

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From: Ambro A 
Subject: Forced Vaccinations Part Of Dark Eugenics Agenda

Forced Vaccinations Part Of Dark Eugenics Agenda 

Lee Rogers
Rogue Government
June 3, 2008


  Theoretically, if the CDC decided that paint thinner was a recommended
vaccination, all children in the state of New York would not be able to
attend the brainwashing camps without having paint injected into their

Government terrorists are continuing their dark eugenics agenda of
enslavement and death. The New York State Assembly has proposed a bill that
would make all vaccines recommended by the CDC mandatory for any children
attending the government's brainwashing camps. These government brainwashing
camps are more commonly referred to by the corporate controlled media as the
public school system. Assembly Bill 10942 would force children to take
vaccines with or without parental consent in order to be admitted into these
government facilities. These terrorists are attempting to setup a system in
which the government will force parents to have their children injected with
anything that the federal government recommends. Theoretically, if the CDC
decided that paint thinner was a recommended vaccination, all children in
the state of New York would not be able to attend the brainwashing camps
without having paint injected into their veins. These people want to treat
your children like they are cattle and this is completely unacceptable.
There are already numerous questions about the safety of many of these
vaccines. There has been an astronomical rise in autism over the past
several decades that have coincided with the increased amount of
preservatives that the pharmaceutical companies have included in these
vaccines. It is unacceptable to force children to take these vaccines when
there's a great deal of question surrounding their safety. 

The bill was introduced at the request of Richard Daines who is the
Commissioner of the New York State Department of Health. There should be an
immediate investigation to determine if this man is on the payroll of the
pharmaceutical companies for requesting the introduction of such ridiculous
legislation. No doubt, the companies that make these questionable products
will benefit greatly if all children in the state of New York are required
to take these vaccines. It really doesn't matter if the intention of this
legislation is good or bad, this bill will be incredibly beneficial to the
big pharmaceutical companies. The corporations aside, forcing parents to
have their children injected with vaccines so they can attend the government
brainwashing camps is not freedom. 

Here is a summary of some of the horrifying revelations that are in this
particular bill. 

Section 7 of the bill makes it easier for the government to forcibly inject
residents and employees of care facilities with vaccines. 

Section 10 of the bill requires meningococcal vaccinations for students in
the seventh grade. 

Section 11 of the bill requires college students to take the meningococcal

Section 13 of the bill makes a series of vaccinations mandatory for students
entering the seventh grade. 

Section 15 and 16 of this bill requires that children be injected with a
series of vaccinations that are approved and recommended by the U.S. Public
Health Services of which the CDC falls under. 

Section 17 allows physicians to forcibly inject minors with vaccines that
supposedly prevent STD's without parental consent. 


This is not freedom folks. The government has no right to mandate that all
children must take vaccines just to attend their brainwashing camps. This is
another system of control and it must be resisted. There is too much
evidence to indicate that these vaccines are not safe and making them
mandatory is disgusting. Take this one report in which 3,500 adverse affects
have been reported from young women who have taken Merck's HPV Vaccine. Or
check out this report from the American Chronicle which covers a research
project that studied the effects of a typical vaccine load given to children
on infant monkeys. The study revealed that the infant monkeys developed
autism like signs and symptoms from taking the same vaccines that are
commonly injected into children. 

There is no doubt that there is a major effort by the establishment powers
to hide the fact that there is a great deal of anecdotal and scientific
evidence to indicate that these vaccines are the cause of the rampant
increase in autism. Steve Watson over at InfoWars has gone into greater
detail about this bill, other cases of the government forcing children to be
vaccinated and the overall subject of vaccine autism. Be sure to check it
out for even more information about this very important subject. 

To conclude, this bill is completely insane and there's little doubt
considering the documentation and anecdotal evidence linking these vaccines
with autism, that this is part of a dark eugenics driven agenda. Just like
in the novel Brave New World, the establishment seeks to dumb down the
masses by forcibly injecting our children with tainted vaccines and by
making them take a series of psychotropic drugs by intentionally
mis-diagnosing normal behavior using junk science. They also use the
government brainwashing camps and mass media mind control apparatus to train
our children how to think by feeding them all sorts of lies and ridiculous
propaganda. Simply put, the elites want the average person to be stupid and
easy to control. What better way to do that, than by turning our children
into zombies by forcibly injecting them with poison. 

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