At 12:50 AM 6/9/2008, you wrote:
Someone else may have explained why one gets sore spots on the top of the head; I think it was to do with the ends of the muscles. Ideas, anyone?

 I get one from time to time, but I know why, I think.

It is due to long hours and the magnetic effect of my head and the head piece of my
cochlear implant.

Not bad, but irritating. I simply rub it with CS and DMSO, and take the stupid thing off for a few hours.

But then............ I am stone deaf.

By the way, I hear in digital sound. Super crisp, no Donald Duck effect, and I can hear a pin drop in a quite place.

I ever expected to hear so well. Never !

Interesting that they tell me the newer processors in the head have gone bad and have to be replaced. The old ones like I have, .......... none have gone bad.

I don't like surgery, no matter the reason,  especially on my head.

