Frank Key's wonderful contributions to this list have included his statement that he believes home-made EIS contains both ionic and particulate silver, mostly the former, and that it is effective. That's the key point.

The gentleman has a product for sale, but is quite direct and honest about the efficacy of low-cost alternatives. That puts him high on my list of honest people, and though I've not purchased his product, more inclined to believe that it is efficacious and arguably worth the higher cost, as some on this list have claimed.

As for the ionic/particulate debate, some of the best-informed experts here have never resolved the matter well enough for me to draw solid conclusions. Again, the bottom line: Mr. Key will vouch for the efficacy of the product most of us make using low-cost electrolytic devices.

On Monday, Jun 16, 2008, at 23:07 Asia/Tokyo, Jim Meissner yahoo wrote:

I have been a member of this group for over 9 years and have learned a lot of very useful information by just lurking. There is a collection of great minds here. I have not been active for a few years now, but I remember the ion, particle wars with Frank Key on one side and seemingly everyone else on the other side. I have visited Frank Key's testing laboratory on several occasions. He has purchased the very best, money no object, test equipment. I would guess that he has more that a million dollars sitting in one room.
I remember that the people who criticized Frank the loudest had no test
equipment at all, just pet theories.  He even offered to test anybody's
colloidal silver for free to do a comparison. I am an engineer and I like
the idea of measuring something rather than just guessing.

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