I am resending this; it is the one I forgot to put in plain text, and as it 
has not come through on the list I am resending it after putting into plain 
As I say, these posts are just by way of treats and rewards, are pretty much 
as the document is at the moment, far from perfect.
I note the document is now down to 220 pages, but there are still many email 
artefacts to remove.

Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: CS>BB Posts from Rowena Random selection Teeth and LED

Again a few more posts taken from somewhere near the end of the document.
Still needs vast amounts of editing.
But your enquiry has lifted me from the lethargy of overwhelm and despair to 
get little bits done at a time.  You would not believe the difference made 
in the past hour.

Dear Carlos,
    We have researched the effects of EIS colloidal Silver upon both gold 
and amalgam fillings, for a number of years.  Depending upon the chemistry 
existing in the mouth fluids....at the time of introducing CS, some 
electrolytic reactions can occur.  They are, almost always, minor in 
nature....the result of short-duration, micro-currents affecting the nervous 
system.  We have never experienced a case where a high-intensity, long-term 
presentation manifested.  This does not mean that it could not occur....just 
that we did not experience it in any of our research evaluations.  One note: 
Particulate silver (within your parent solution) will, in many cases, plate 
out on your other metal-covered tooth surfaces.  Most especially gold 
surfaces;  but also mercury X silver amalgams.  In most cases....especially 
on gold-covered teeth experiencing a recent (thin covering) surface 
agglomeration, just using a soft cloth saturated with 3.5% H2O2 and rubbing 
the surfaces vigorously, will remove the "bronze-colored" surface 
contamination quite readily.  In some cases (longer standing ones) it proved 
necessary to use a 6% solution of H2O2,
 with which to achieve acceptable results.
       Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.  Harborne Research Foundation.
 p.s.  You might find it of interest to know that our evaluations of 
silver-mercury amalgams {removed as a matter of dental hygiene prescription, 
for causes non-related to our research) which had been subject to long-term 
exposure to CS....proved remarkably resistant to chemical insult....during 
our in vitro experiments.  This is especially noteworthy in regard to the 
effective  plating which tended to cover the entire exposed surfaces of the 
silver/mercury fillings.  Additionally, we found evidence of micro-filling 
with metallic silver, of tiny cracks which had propagated over the years in 
some of the extracted teeth.
>Subject : CS>Teeth repairs affected by EIS?
 >Date : Tue, 07 Nov 2006 11:02:47 -0400
>Hello, friends,
>Trying to help control my chronic Ehrlichiosis, for the last 6 weeks I have 
>been consuming around 10-12 tablespoonfulls of good quality EIS of around 
>14 ppm strength every day, distributed in 10-12 doses from around 6 am to 
>around 10 pm, and I keep it in my mouth, swishing it around, for 2-3 
>minutes   >as I very gradually swallow it. I started using silver around 
>three months  ago but in more moderate amounts.
 >In the last week and a half I have had some unconfortable sensations in 
the repairs I have in my molars, which are mostly gold fillings, but there 
are  some mercury amalgams. These repairs are mostly 50 or more years old, 
and  >for the last decades I have never had any new problem, except a piece 
of old  >synthetic porcelain broken and repaired two years ago in one of my 
next to  incisives teeth.
These sensations, in the first couple of days, were almost slightly painful, 
and switched places, and affected indistinctly gold and amalgam molar 
repairs, one or two at the time, on both sides, but mostly on the right, and 
 >almost always only on the lower molars, hardly ever on the upper ones.
I thought silver was damaging these old repairs and I was planning to go see 
a dentist, but due to the fact that that this was intermitent and switched 
places, I decided to wait. This unconfort has been decreasing, and the 
sensations have become less strong and more spaced.
If any of you has had any equivalent experience, please let me know.
Thank you.

Hello Marshall,
  The amounts of Magnesium involved in this protocol are many times lower 
than required
 to create consequential upsets within the physiology  of any but the MOST 
SYSTEMICALLY CHALLENGED INDIVIDUALS..  Much disruptive and inaccurate 
information relating to the Calcium/Magnesium relationship has been bandied 
about by many persons who do not have correct information .and even less 
research in the matter.  For example, with some notable exceptions, most of 
the general population ingests an EXCESS of calcium ..much of it from 
un-noticed sources in the general food supply.  Magnesium is, in most cases, 
in short supply for insuring good health in the average adult.  We do not 
contend that the proportional relationship between magnesium and calcium is 
of no consequence as there is a proven interaction which is important in 
human health.  However, we do contend that the ACTUAL necesary proportions 
considerably  different from a majority of the popular media claims, and 
overblown in their specific importance relative to stated exactitudes of 
percentages. The problem of TOO MUCH CALCIUM is, we seem to find, much more 
prevalent than too little.  The central problem revolves around calcium 
UTILIZATION .not gross intake.  The long-lived bromide  about calcium 
shortages had its inception, primarily, as a result of studies (many quite 
flawed) relating to osteoporosis conditions manifesting in post-menopausal 
       My short answer to your observation is, simply, that 1000 mg daily of 
supplemental magnesium....for adults consuming anything but a 
nutritionally-starved diet....will pose very, very, small corrective demands 
on the systemic functions ..at least this has been our experience  - others 
may have effected different results.  We have found that magnesium is 
woefully unresearched and denied its recognition warranted for MANY 
undeclared benefits in human health.  Adult males, especially, are as a 
group....chronically deficient in sufficient magnesium
 levels required for best health.
        Additional calcium (unless of a high magnitude [over 2000 mg] would 
probably not impose any reduction of the magnesium's benefits.  However, for 
the previously-mentioned reasons....I do not feel such to be a required 
component to this protocol.
        If one has personal reservations relative to ingesting 1000 mg of 
magnesium without an additional calcium supplement, then 500 mg of some form 
of EASILY assimilated calcium can be ingested .if only to satiate their 
personal health paradigm.
            Be Well Marshall,   Brooks.
 p.s.  As a personal anecdote I relate that I have ingested 1500 mg of 
magnesium chloride daily (without any form of buffering or companion 
substance) for the past 3 years without experiencing any form of compromise. 
However, I do take two tablespoons daily, of Thorvin kelp....which would 
tend to ameliorate mineral-induced excursions  - from a wide variety among 
the body's roster of minerals.
>Subject : Re: CS> CS & DMSO:COMMENT
 >Date : Wed, 29 Nov 2006 12:57:42 -0500
 >Thank you very much for this very informative posting.  I do have one 
 >question. You are recommending taking large dosages of Magnesium.  It  >was 
my understanding that magnesium and calcium should be taken  >together, that 
taking one without the other can lead to some  >imbalances.  Do you have any 
information on this?  Should calcium not be  >taken as well to maintain a 
balance, or would calcium reduce the  >effectiveness of the protocol?
  Dear Peter,
        Please excuse this tardy reply, and the manner of addressing it 
(this Forwarded message).
 I have, simply, been overwhelmed by off-list inquiries reference my 
original post on this subject.
 I believe this post, to another member, will address all of your 
questioning except the one on the geographic placement of the LED assembly 
in relation to the prostate.  The best results were obtained by placing the 
assembly immediately behind the junction of the scrotum and the body proper, 
in direct contact with the skin surface.
            Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
<  Dear Tony,
       The wave length was 630 nm.   The bulbs were Clear Red  (red light 
emitted from a clear bulb).  Some people claim that 660 nm is best - we 
could not determine any significant difference, for our applications... 
The exact bulbs we used (in our last assemblies) were catalogue # 
604-L7113SECH ....From Mouser Electronics catalogue. These cost about 82 
cents U.S., each.. The manufacturer's number is  L7113SECH ....Kingbright 
Company.  I recommend you obtain some solderless connectors (# 593-cnx310000 
Mouser stock number...cost about 50 cents U.S.each), which enable you to 
just plug the LED leads directly into the nice plastic-case base.  Also the 
outside diameter of these bases yields a perfect fit when slipped into the 
openings provided by the shell holders for 30 caliber M-1 carbine 
cartridges.  However, almost any type of cartridge holder can be made into 
an acceptable receptacle for the assembly (just be sure to obtain a shell 
size  roughly compatible with the O.D. of the LED holders. The nominal 
voltage rating for this bulb is 2.4 vdc.  However, we just hooked two 
conventional 1.5 vdc AA batteries in series to yield 3.0 vdc  - works fine. 
Actually, we hooked 4 batteries together in a series/parallel connection 
for extended life.  Just hook two sets of two series connected AA batteries 
together in parallel and connect the output leads from this pwr supply to 
the appropriate leads from each of the "ganged" LED leads.  Be sure to check 
each LED for proper identification for the (-) and the (+) lead - and mark 
each.  Next, connect ALL OF THE POSITIVE LEADS together and terminate with a 
single wire for connecting to the battery assembly. This provides one set 
of "ganged" leads mentioned earlier. Do the same thing for the (-) leads of 
the LED group. This provies the second set of "ganged" leads from the LED 
assembly.  Connect your ON/Off switch into either side (+) or (-) power 
leads from the battery power system and connect the remaining side of this 
switch-leg to the remaining wire from the LED assembly.  NOTE:  Do remember, 
LEDs, being diodes, will NOT conduct if connected improperly (they are, 
actually, half-wave rectifiers, themselves).
      The only tedious work involved, is the careful grouping of each line 
of LED wires into their respective polarity groups....e.g.  ALL negative 
leads from the LED assembly and All positive leads from the assembly must be 
connected properly---into two separate groups - each group terminated into a 
single conductor for connection to the battery pwr system.  NOTE:  Any LED 
which does not light up on test, is...probably, reverse polarity connected 
(check with an ohm-meter to be sure this is not the case), if you have one 
which doesn't light..
      If you do not want to go to the trouble to insert an ON/OFF switch 
into the system, just
 twist the split lead (switch leg) from the battery (the one you have chosen 
to complete the power circuit)back together....to initiate operation . 
Then, just untwist to shut down.
       My apologies for the detailed commentary, but I have to assume all 
people who contact me on such matters are quite intelligent...but sometimes, 
technically uniformed.  Therefore, do not be insulted if you are a graduate 
   I hope these comments prove of value to you.
                My Best Regards,  Brooks.
 p.s.  Actually, these LED bulbs are 7000 MCD AND WILL EASILY PENETRATE 5/8 

 >Dear Brooks,
 >Could you please enlighten me about the colour of the leds used in the 
array mentioned
 >above. Were these emitting a red light or a white light?
 >Thank you for your very valuable comments and information.
 >Yours faithfully,
 >Tony Moody
  I believe all list members with an interest in Potassium and its effects 
upon human health, will find this article quite interesting and more than 
just a little informative.  Joe Vialls is no longer with us, having passed 
away in 20005.  However, he was a real soldier in the conflict with the 
overzealous exploiters of the human race.
       Our research group has, in our experimental investigations , found 
the 8,000 mg dosage referenced in a recent posting,  to be far nearer the 
actual requirements for proper human health....than the ridiculously small 
MDR of 90 to 100 mg, presently declared by the Health Police.
      Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley

   Dear JR.,

      I did not know Joe personally, but I did support his work.  I believe 
he died of complications from injuries/conditions he endured during his 
extended military service.  I believe he was a disabled combat veteran.  Joe 
was an iconoclast of the "old school", and he "took-no-prisoners" in the 
conflict for men's minds.  He was VERY unpopular with the "though police".
        My personal choice is for potassium chloride powder/granules.  I 
take about 800 mg daily, divided into two doses about 8 hours apart.  It 
works for me.
             Be well,  Brooks.

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