I know full well that death is unavoidable. My concern is being as healthy as I can manage while I have to be here. That's all. I don't expect to be here forever. Faith G.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ode Coyote" <odecoy...@alltel.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: CS>ON MICROWAVES - WAS CS colour..now fear.

  It's just not a safe world.
It's a sea of relative threats with no absolutes and everyone in it reacts differently at different times.

..and then you die..of "something"
Prevent *this* and *that'll* getcha....sometimes caused by preventing *this* And if something doesn't getcha sooner, something else does later, and that could be long after living ain't any fun anymore.

 Do this and it'll take 5 years off your life?
 OK, Maybe, but it comes off the crappy end.

As a rule, there are no rules...only conflicting odds and wild card possibilities.

Everybody is trying to sell eternal life, either to you or to themselves, and/or to you to validate having bought it FOR themselves paying a lot for little or nothing that only provides some reason to keep on worrying about the inevitable.
No such product exists.
 You just aren't going to find "the answer" to an impossible question.

People want you to worry with them so they can feel like they aren't just wasting their time on the futile. Some just want to see if they can jerk your chain into misery so they can compare theirs to it and feel batter in comparison...or just to feel powerful because they can do such things.

You have NO control over when and very little over how, so why not do what you can and go for quality...which is, of course, a personal opinion that needs no validation from anyone.

 Beyond all self deceit:
 Fear not, there is one certain thing in your life and ONLY one.
YOU ARE GONNA DIE....so do whatever the heck pleases you.

...even if that's futile worrying. [wink]
But those who don't are a lot more fun to be around, so if joy is what you want, be THAT 'fantasy' and joyfully self deceived people will be attracted to you like a magnet to validate THAT.

Might not live longer [compared to what? a complete unknowable? ]....but at least you'll die laughing.

 Everything is just something to play with...even strategy.
  What is YOUR game?
 Pick one, none are any more valid than any other.
No one ever knows how any game is going to turn out.
 It's ALL guess work and gamble.

New old saying: "Gee, that looks like crap, but at least it took a long time, was very hard to do and despite it all, I'm still me wondering who that is."

NOW what?  Do it again, harder?
Boiled down with all accounted for, not only CAN you do what you want to, but you always ARE..and you almost NEVER know what that "really is".
 And if you *believe* you know, that's exactly what's going on.

You cannot know what you truly are and still be the you that you believe you are.

BTW You cannot die, but you can misdefine life and play fear games for "fun". Can the absolutely perfect even think of the imperfect? I don't think so.
Gotta do that with belief...a perfect tool of perfect delusions.



If you believe it....it was done perfectly.
 But why this fear thing?

Fear is the most powerfully felt of all emotions that makes things seem fantastically "REAL"
 Fear is exciting.
The only emotion equal to fear is relief ....when you finally discover it's not real.
Win win.

The rest is safety valve perks that keeps you playing the struggle and duck game rather than committing suicide. ..which is completely futile. This game over, start another anyhow. "When" is irrelevant to the inevitable, again.
..cannot not do it.
It takes zero effort and zero effort can't be applied.
 The ONLY thing that can't be done is, nothing.

 Observe and Ponder:
Even when you KNOW it's just a roller coaster, you still scream your silly head off, get off when it stops, wipe your brow and say "Whew! That was SCARY" ..then go look for a bigger roller coaster...and bigger... till you scare yourself shitless and discover you aren't an ass that CAN shit on itself...are, in fact "perfect" perfectly deceiving yourself into believing you can't be.

 Sweet screams me hearties, carry on as ye will.
 Be afraid, be very afraid...go for that thrill AND it's equal, re-life.
 Ain't it an absolute wonder !!!

....an Amazement Park.
Never know what's gonna happen next, de-spite any be-life... "perfect".

PS  Observe:
It's more interesting to be afraid when you aren't cowering in a corner somewhere. Fear can pick you up just as well as keep you down. Fear is a tool. Tools are neutral... they don't care what you build.
 What you ARE, is a builder that cannot not build.
..and there's no way to do it wrong when there are no limits to what can be "con-structed" and validated as being real in your own mind.

 Be aware. Fear is not the ONLY tool.
 Buildings in Amazement Parks can have doors and windows, you know.
..and halls of mirrors with each image denying it's a reflection of the other.

God said,  " I already know all that CAN be, so now, where is surprise? "
"Ahh yes, it's everywhere I don't look." [Denial...a tool of relativity that warps absolutes into the appearance of finites.]


 BTW  Tag!
...and pretty work.
Just as Perfect as the wielder of relativity itself. [a tool that builds builders of Amazement Parks] If it takes 5,000 degrees of Hell to notice 1 degree of Heaven...surprise! Heaven still wins.

Why do those guys spend all that time and money just to go in circles faster and faster, just to hit a wall or cross a line? [it's SCARY FUN... THRILLING...fire, smoke and thunderous noise without much consequence and a lot of surprise. ]

AMAZING that something that pointlessly dumb can be so much fun...I do, be life.

 Ode Coyote ....with a mouth full of fuzzy logic tail.

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