Dear Dee,

You write:
> So would this article be untrue?  Or just parts of it?  In this case,
> how do we know which  is true/false?

I believe the article cited an in vitro (test-tube) study that was 
commissioned somewhere that determined that some kind of silver 
preparation killed every kind of bacteria they tried it on, amounting 
to some 650 standard cultures.  

The weakness in this is that there's nothing that says silver will work 
in-vivo, i.e., in the body. Which hasn't stopped people from distorting 
this to say it "CURES 650 DISEASES!!!" and worse claims.

So the article has since been endlessly cited, quoted, mis-quoted, and 
construed to suggest far more than the minimal science behind it would 
ever justify, becoming the trademark vebiage of people who are trying 
to sound legitimate in the near total absense of such legitimacy.

There IS, of course, at least some real science plus massive clinical 
and anecdotal experience to justify the notion that CS works for a lot 
of things we know it does. We just can't point to a random web site 
that quotes this boilerplate sales pitch as "scientific" proof of 
anything! <LOL>

This has been a good round of questions and answers, Dee. Thanks for 
making it happen. <hugs>


Mike D.

> -------Original Message-------
> From:
> Date: 18/07/2008 05:16:46
> To:
> Subject: CS>Where it started...
> Hi Mike et al,
> The article is:
> "Our Mightiest Germ Fighter" by Jim Powell
> Science Digest, March 1978
> "Thanks to eye-opening research, silver is emerging as a wonder of
> modern medicine. An antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different
> kinds of disease organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains
> fail to develop. Moreover, silver is virtually nontoxic."
> Best regards,
> Andy

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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