>    Okay, since we now seem to be going into semi-uncharted territory, I
>have  always wondered what the effects would be of making colloidal silver
>in a  pyramid.  I tend to wonder if you would even need a battery source,
>as  correctly shaped (meaning correctly scaled to size and mathematically
>correct in  point to point dimensions) pyramids are "supposed" to have a
>lot of energy in  the center without any kind of AC/DC/Other source from
>the outside.   James Vernon, Allison  

I have done amateur pyramid experiments in my home back in the 70's. It was
more fascinating than you can imagine. I offered to post my results
privately a few months ago for anyone interested and there were a few. I
know it's off topic but so is much of what I have been reading here lately.
Incidentally, I personally don't mind off topic subjects and I see very
little flack from anyone else about it also. Many new people have joined
the list since I last posted my experiments. If others would like me to,
I'll post them to the list. If anyone disagrees with my doing this, please
say so now and I'll do it privately. Fair enough?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>