Hey Artielle,

I assumed everyone on this list takes CS orally, but don't have experience with 
whether or not it helps with ulcers (certainly can't hurt!).  Personally, I 
take mine straight up an ounce or so at a time.  I will hold some in my mouth 
and swish for a  couple of minutes or more before swallowing.  I have improved 
my periodontal disease immensely - my dentist has never seen a turn around of 
this magnitude and can't understand how I've been able to accomplish this.  He 
kinda blew me off when I told him about CS, but then said to keep doing 
whatever I was doing.  Guess he's not hot to trot about curing his other 

I don't follow a schedule to take CS (I'm not very regimented), but try to 
remember to take at least an ounce most days.  Of course if I feel the sniffles 
comin on, I will start takin it several times throughout the day and I'm 
usually fine the next day.  I continue to take increased doses for a couple or 
few more days just to be sure I got all of 'the bug'.  I also mix an ounce or 
so into my 3 year old grandson's juice when he's at my house on Saturdays.

Hope this helps.  Good luck and happy experimenting!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: tom and louann hough 
  To: silver list 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 6:00 PM
  Subject: CS>newbie questions

  Hi, I've been lurking for a while now. I have sent in a few questions and
  gratefully recieved timely responses.

  I've been making cs with the silver puppy and have been pleased with the
  result. But I have not taken cs internally yet. I think I may need to start.
  I have stomach ulcers from taking a lot of Insaids over a few years. My
  question is- must it be taken alone, or can it be mixed with
  tea/juice/kool-aid? Have any of you taken it by mouth for ulcers? Thanks so
  much, Artielle

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