Hi Carole (with an "E")

I use one to two Fluid Ounces of CS  10 ppm, daily and have (knock on wood) 
been Flu free for 3 years.

I would say that CS would be less of a risk than the amount of  mercury in one 
Flu shot.  One would have to consume 40 million ounces of Colloidal Silver at 
10 ppm (using the Toxicological Registry's 1990 paper on Silver Safety) for a 
extrapolated fatal dosage of Silver.  

As you maybe aware of there is a ten year study of Flu shots in which a 
relationship between 5 consecutive yearly Flu shots and a significant increase 
in Alzheimer's disease. I am quoting someone else's blog on the subject,  "Hugh 
Fudenberg, MD, an
immunogeneticist and biologist with nearly 850 papers published in peer
review journals, has reported that “if an individual had five
consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied),
his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is ten times higher than
if they had zero, one, or two shots."

I received my first and last Flu shot and was sick in the time it took to walk 
home from the Doctors (a matter of  5 minutes.) When I phoned the Doctor's 
office, the "gate-keeper" answering the phone curtly said, "it's a 
coincidence!" and hung up the phone before I could say another word or even 
request to speak to the Doctor.  I could have a number of medical conditions 
from severe allergic reaction, etc.  In the years between 1969 and 1975 (and I 
had a number of upper respiratory infections, ect) I only twice went to his 
office that I did not receive an injection (including exams to participate in 
sports and yearly physical exams). The in family joke was that his nursing 
staff could pick out anyone's tush from a lineup. The typical greeting when 
returning home from his office was, "Right or Left side," and they didn't mean 

The statistics for Flu shots aren't that impressive.  The 2007-2008 flu season 
was among the worst performance of the Flu vaccines. Based on adult deaths from 
and pneumonia, this season is the worst since 2003-2004 - another time
when the vaccine did not include the exact flu strain responsible for
most illnesses partly because the vaccine didn't work well against the viruses 
that made most people sick.  

The Flu Vaccines are best guesses as to which strains will be prevalent. Yes, 
there are risks.  I had an older female client still suffering 20 years later 
from the Guillian Barre Syndrome after effects from the 1976 Swine Flu 
vaccinations. Ironically, more people died of the Flu Shot side effects (25) 
than the Flu that year. (There was no Swine Flu epidemic.) 

"The Cochrane Collaboration
produced a series of articles in 2005 reviewing the published
literature to determine the effectiveness of the flu shot. A total of 25 
studies were
reviewed that included more than 60,000 study participants. The
Cochrane Group found that vaccination reduced risk of influenza by a
meager 6% and reduced the number of days missed from work by less than
one (0.16) day. Researchers concluded, “Universal immunization of
healthy adults was not supported by the results of this review.”

the elderly population, the prime target group for flu shots, The
Cochrane Group reviewed 64 studies and chided that, “The runaway 100%
effectiveness that's touted by proponents [of the flu shot] was nowhere
to be seen…What you see is that marketing rules the response to
influenza, and scientific evidence comes fourth or fifth.”

A new study, soon to be released in the prestigious medical journal, Vaccine,
resulted in the same conclusion. The study was undertaken to determine
whether the incidence of influenza had decreased in Ontario, Canada
following the introduction of the Universal Influenza Immunization
Campaign (UIIC) in 2000. All laboratory-confirmed influenza
cases—diagnosed between January 1990 and August 2005—were analyzed. It
was determined that, “…despite intensified vaccination distribution and
the increased financial resources used to promote vaccination,” the
incidence of influenza had not been decreased by the national flu shot

I have used CS as an adjunct to my over all Health regimen for nearly 20 years. 
 For me it is almost a sure thing.  I can't say the same for my relatives who 
do receive Flu shots (its their choice).  I have had respiratory challenges 
since childhood, so I am more susceptible than the average person.

Other than using in excess or being allergic to Silver the chances are your Mom 
would have little reason for concern in using CS, but I am not a Doctor, this 
is only my opinion. However, I was involved in retail sale of CS for over 15 
years, most of the products were 250ppm or higher CS. We never had a return for 
adverse reaction, argyria, etc. 

I would have see no problem with my 85 year old Mom using Colloidal Silver, 
other than my Mom's heart Doctor has forbidden her to take any supplements of 
any sort with the medicine she is on (Coumadin).   He does recommend yearly Flu 

My money is on Colloidal Silver.

Best Regards,

Steve Foss

>"The thing that concerns me is my elderly mother.  She is 85 and gets
the shot every year because that is >what her doctor recommends to her. 
My question is this; If she were to take CS on a daily basis, say 1 oz
>per day, could she fight off the flu if she came into contact with it? 
And if not, say she got the flu anyway, >could she fight it off easier
taking say 8 oz of CS per day while feeling the symptoms?  I don't even
know if >my mom would take my advice about CS but it wouldn't hurt to