Hi Wayne

Thank you for your reply and insights.

Yes, I believe a phone line powered can be safely made used as you addressed in 
your email. 

However, my post dealt with Do It Your Selfers that do not have your level of 

My point of reference was "Phone Generators" that were somewhat less 
sophisticated which I have "dissected" when I repaired them. 

The majority of them were "Beck Units" consisting of a resistor to drop voltage 
and a diode to keep the silver particle size from being all over the map.  Some 
of the units did not even contain even these components. All of the users 
related the use of saline to accelerate the time/make the unit work; not one 
ever used only DW. A few were making CS into the hundreds (based on time) ppm.

None of these units contain a bridge rectifier as you mentioned in your design.

(Personally, I would add either a "voltage" clamp" (various ways to achieve 
this)or add two ICs to doubly regulate the power supply to keep the Voltage 
from increasing.)

As I previously related most of the people who had me repair these Phone 
Generators were senior citizens, who were living in homes they purchased 
pre-owned.  As I lived 30 years in a home built in late 1940's (with additions 
in the 1960's) and worked in Retail Stores built in the 1920's-1970's, the 
phone wiring has varied from the barely functional to the poorly designed. Some 
of the wiring was essential copper with varnished cloth as an insulation. This 
was also true for most of the electrical wiring (not the phone system) in a 
pharmacy I worked in housed in a building built before 1925. The phone system 
was fortunately from the 1960s.

I did not use the term "office" as none of these phones systems at my work 
places were offices or were comparable to the systems found in even the 
smallest banks, real estate offices, doctor or legal offices. Two or three 
phone lines at best. No PBX to be scene or dedicated operator. Most of the 
businesses were small "mom and pop shops." The owners were more concerned with 
dollar driven economics than anticipating growth and future expandability. And 
they lived with these phone "systems" using the term loosely for 30 years or 
until the phone system died.

I, too have worked with regulated voltage supplies, Lower Voltage/DC to about 
800V, in this case in Tube Amplifiers all of with can kill you. I never wanted 
to work in High Voltage (1000V or higher). The technology has varied from WE 
and RCA designs to present innovations. 

For those of the readers without Wayne's Credentials or background. All safety 
precautions apply.

If you do not know what these precautions are, either use batteries or be 
prepared to educate yourself. First thing to learn, always keep one hand in 
your pocket when around live circuit.

Best Regards,


> You open a big can of very mean worms, .............
> but I have killed them all long, long ago.
> I could explain virtually all of them from a safety
> standpoint, and 
> other standpoints also.
> I have worked in telephone exchanges, designed and build
> custom 
> regulated power supplies to power many things from their
> huge power 
> supplies, ....... with their sanction and permission.
> Never worked for the phone company, but 
> as  an  independent  technician  or contractor.
> And I think, I may have build the first phone line powered
> silver 
> generator, years before one or two similar showed up on the
> internet.  Never read anything about it, or got any idea
> from 
> anywhere, other than my imagination.
> I have also worked with hundreds of telephone leased
> circuits too, 
> for many purposes.
> That is another book.
> The voltage I am concerned with,  is the ringing voltage. 
> That will 
> get your attention in grand style.
> If I have to tell you about that, .......... You have never
> experienced it.  <grin>
> The phone line generator consists of
> 1 full wave bridge
> 1 LED
> 1 Resistor
> About as simple as one can get, nothing automatic, all
> manually controlled.
> Here are some pictures.  
> http://www.fugitt.com/files/phonegen/
> As to a fire hazard, I can't help but appreciate your
> concern.
> But if I could build 1,000,000 and give them all away, I
> would bet 
> everything I own, no fire hazard would exist and not one
> fire would result.
> And of course Electrical Safety is one of my main concerns.
>  I preach 
> it everywhere I go.
> If anyone does not want to listen, they can get up and walk
> away,  I 
> will tell them, whether they want to hear it or not.
> In any house, I would wager I can find hazards and
> electrical code 
> violations..........
> As to my certification, I am a Master Electrician and
> Certified 
> Electrical Inspector, among many other things.
> It takes wattage to start a fire,  it takes wattage to make
> CS  ( but 
> not much ) and it takes wattage to melt down hydrogen 
> generators.  Many amateurs that do not understand are
> melting 
> hydrogen generators by the hundreds, and by the thousands.
> Generally, No wattage, no work, no wattage, no fire, or
> much of anything else.
> Finally, you do not appraise a device by one that is
> damaged, used 
> improperly, shorted, or otherwise has a technical problem.
> Anything man has ever made, ................. Fails.
>  From Airplanes to Space Shuttles, .......... and
> everything else.
> The number of feet, hundreds, thousands, or miles of small
> telephone 
> wire has tremendous voltage drop.  The amount of current
> and wattage 
> it can deliver is very small indeed.
> And if a few things are know, I can calculate that.
> Safety is JOB ONE, anywhere you go and anything you do.
> In most every crowd, I take the job of Safety Inspector,
> and back off 
> and watch, and look for hazards.
> Why NOT ?  Someone needs to do it.
> Wayne


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